The Geek Empress

Actually, I doubt it. I can say as an attorney that a claim can fail for numerous reasons at once. It was probably much easier for them to say “too similar to this other trademark” and deny it than it was for them to go through the litigation process of determining if the term was too ubiquitous to trademark. Or, they

The nostalgia is going to wear off quick for people when they realize how long it takes to get places since you can’t run in the game, and don’t get a bike for a good bit, and there are no quick keys to summon said bike.

Remember when Psychic Pokemon were weak to Ghosts but the only Ghosts were also poison-type and their only offense was Night Shade?


Manatees have scarred me for life.

I’m a native Floridian (Tampa), and when I was much younger, one of our field trips had us at a marine reserve where we had the honor to swim with the manatees (under close watch, of course). Now, being a black man, I was ingrained with the knowledge that black people don’t fuck with

When I was little I was obsessed with two animals: cats and manatees. I chose manatees as the topic of my 4th grade research project.

My father has the funny habit to lose phones in water. He drowned one while has was cleaning the toilet, another one in a mop bucket and a third one in a river while crossing a bridge.

Yeah, I always found it odd how everyone complains that Ash is a loser and a failure. The kid consistently manages to be in the top 4-8 of regional championships, even though he hasn’t won the championship, that does count. And if anything, Ash is the closest representation of how the average player would be like if

if you really are an engineer and think there is no value of the arts in school then you must be a seriously shitty engineer with an extremely limited capacity to think creatively that you are apparently proud of. so, good for you?

Franchises we know in the west are all pretty weird over there. Pizza Hut in Asia is mostly a pasta bar. The menu has 6 pages of different pasta and side and just the last page has pizzas on it. KFC is considered Christmas food as well.

Damn straight. Fuck the appearance-obsessed, Han and Leia’s scenes were quite possibly the best scenes in that movie.


A handful of years ago I worked for a rather large indie studio who lost out on a large payout due to the economic crash (or so the story goes). Instead of laying people off, they kept telling us the next big contract was in the works and literally just a couple weeks from coming in. For a few months we got paid a

Agree 100%. All manufacturers of electronics shoudl make their packaging temper-evident. Once it’s been opened, it should be obvious. It would also prevent retailers from selling returned (opened) items as new.

It's actually pretty easy to shrink wrap something. I do agree with you in principle, though.

Saw this on Reddit a little while ago with a dick pick on a mirror, a guy bought a new iphone off of ebay or something.. Etc.. trying to find it right now.. another reason why you dont buy your stuff gift wrapped you open it up and look in the box first before you serve it or send it.. i know the kid has a broken

“Damn right I got a licence for this vagina. Got my card right here.”

But we are not supposed to judge others.