Yes, basically. I’d post a photo, but I can’t seem to find my folder with the pics I took of people in college. So I can’t publicly and rightfully shame them.
Yes, basically. I’d post a photo, but I can’t seem to find my folder with the pics I took of people in college. So I can’t publicly and rightfully shame them.
And because I live outside of Denver, they are tight pants AND they are sagged, and they wear two pairs of boxers, their actual underwear and the pair they want to show off.
We must have gone to the same college, I know people like this too. Most of my goddamn Industrial Design department.
Oooh, okay, good to know. I clearly need to go back and get it now!
Yeah, that dog is really cute! And hopefully he’ll be less annoying than Zero III. That rabbit was a pain in the ass.
Sooooo hyped about this game. And it’s cool that this time Zero has a Venetian plague mask (makes sense within the context of the story). Interesting how each of the Zero Escape games seems to get progressively more bloody. I hope they game won’t have too many reflex based puzzles, because then I might run into…
I just finished VLR on Sunday, is the hidden ending you’re talking about the Ending or Beginning? ending, or is there yet another one I’ve missed?
A pikatroop?
Squeeing over Pikachu just shows a person isn’t a robot. Pikachu was like bioengineered to be the cutest fucking thing ever. I want a pack of them!
I would have loved to have one of these ‘pro trainers’ to have tried to train my dogs Athena and Selene. They would have run circles around these people. They were trained, but they were super smart, they found loopholes to all commands.
Now I am truly heartbroken that this isn’t a thing.
Because the job poster isn’t prioritizing someone who is a gamer, they are more interested in someone who is attractive. It’s insulting because it presumes that all gamers are mouth breathing morons that are so starved for female contact that they’ll watch a lousy stream just because it has a hot chick in it. As a…
Of course neither is bad, but that’s not what the ad is asking for. If it were, it would be asking for girls who at least game as a hobby. It says no experience necessary.
I apologize if my original point wasn’t as clear as I intended to be. And there’s a possibility that you might have seen some of my other replies, so bear with me if the following reply seems a bit long-winded.
Tell that to Lionsgate and their 14 million domestic gross for Gods of Egypt.
That would be interesting to see, but if I recall correctly, and I know it’s Youtube not Twitch, Pewdiepie, who is objectively the most successful streamer, his biggest demographics are tween/teen girls. 18-35 year olds are actually not all that important a demographic when it comes to marketing and sales. Of course,…
OMG yes, actually. There are tons of movies, tv shows, ad campaigns that have failed and failed hard because they used bad strategies that are outdated, but executives still think they were a good idea. Sex actually doesn’t sell as well as many people think.
And even if a gamer lady decides to stream in revealing clothing because, by God, she has a fantastic body and is proud of it, that’s a whole different bag of cats than some dude saying ‘hey, we’re looking for a pair of boobs to stick in front of a camera. Yeah, I guess it’s video game related, but no, you’ve never…
It’s still a pretty sad state of affairs when we use thinking, feeling people like props in order to sell a product. And equally sad that companies believe that thinking, feeling people are more likely to buy a product just because they’re sexually aroused.
It’s an outdated stereotype that isn’t really true any more. Women make up as much of the demographic as men, and even male gamers don’t need meat shows to watch streaming. It’s pandering of the lowest order. And the fact this is still a thing is aggravating as both a gamer and a woman.