The Geek Empress

Nothing if they actually have some experience in gaming. Gaming experience isn’t even a requirement, this guy is just looking for a meat show. If all you want is tits (and god bless, you’re more than welcome to it) just look at porn, it doesn’t need to have video game dressing.

The stats show over and over again that there are just as many lady folks, if not more depending on the genre or console, who are gamers and that even horny teen boys think nothing but boobs and explosions get old. The basement dwelling dudebros are the exception (albeit, the LOUD exception) not the standard, for a

I don’t think there’s an appropriate word for the feeling of annoyance, anger, humor and indignity I’m feeling over this post.

Actually it’s very reassuring to see these since my office/bedroom regularly looks like a tornado went through there recently. I always tell myself “I’ll clean it tomorrow”, and then I get distracted with work.

The best manuals are the ones that mess with the tone of the game. The character intros in FFVII were like declassified files, Pokemon’s original manual was like a field guide, all the Working Design manuals were like tomes. Considering how annoying a bunch of tutorial levels are in recent games, going back to manuals

I drank the koolaid last year and got a whole bunch of the 2.0 figures and sets. Missed a few from 2.0 and am still catching up on 1.0. They are freaking gorgeous. I know I’ll be investing in 3.0 eventually too, but I’ve been trying to pace myself. So. Hard.

Do any of your gnomes happen to be delinquents that constantly hide your stuff? Like, I know proof positive I just looked in that drawer. That screw driver wasn’t there when I looked. I know this. And yet, I look again, and there it is. I KNOW IT WAS YOU, GARY, KNOCK IT OFF.

Depending on where you are located now, you could provide her a list of the things that could kill her in your own location RIGHT NOW, and explain that they don’t because just because being capable of being dangerous isn’t the same thing as *being* dangerous. Even big metropolitans have fauna, and any animal has the

I’ve reached the point where I have a dedicated Lego Closet for all the boxes. I think I need to start slowing down with my purchases as said closet is now full.

I’m loving a lot of the new LEGO City camping themed stuff. There’s another set with a camper, an SUV and a LEGO dog stealing a hotdog. I want to get that set and the Lego Vintage Batcave.

Ugh, when those DC Superhero Girls come out in stores come out in stores my wallet is going to weep giant ugly tears. Same with those Fashionista Barbies.

Yeah, as a fashion doll afficianado I’ve really hated those Equestria Girl dolls. They look like creepy cat people and don’t look anything like their character designs. But apparently they do sell really well otherwise they wouldn’t keep going with the line. Still hate them though, the molded figures are definitely

How so? Black people can cosplay as characters who are or are perceived as white, and white people can cosplay as characters who are black. ‘White face’, ‘black face’ or any other makeup to mimic a race that is not your own (not counting things like aliens or whatnot) is not considered okay because of its historical

It’s really best to avoid coloring your skin unless it’s an artificial color. A cosplayer got a spray tan in order to cosplay Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena and people were extremely insulted that she did that since she wasn’t Indian. People might mean well and want to cosplay authentically a character they love,

As long as you don’t dye/stain your skin it’s fine. Same as long as it’s not a racist caricature version.

Just because Jughead is an ace doesn’t mean he can’t/won’t date. So it doesn’t contradict his character whatsoever. Being asexual simply means you aren’t driven by sexual attraction. You can fall in love and have companionship and it simply isn’t colored by sexual attraction or ‘chemistry’. Being asexual and aromantic

I’ve heard that people who have dogs and Flemish Giants tend to run into the issue of the rabbit chasing around the dogs because they are so playful.

I like your way of thinking. But too small. Olympic sized pool of bunnies. Now we’re talking!

Flemish giants are the best! Honestly I want like twenty of them. Downside is they don’t live as long as their regular sized brethren. But still. Massive Bunbuns!

Personally I think the Nolan movie should be knocked off the list instead of Return of the Joker. While Health Ledger’s Joker is nigh legendary, the rest of the movie was a giant pile of plothole laden plotholes, with leaps of logic that makes the Bat Credit Card seem almost plausible (really there, Bats, you can find