The Geek Empress

No love for Sub Zero? That was what Batman and Robin would have been if it wasn’t a hot mess. Heartbreaking portrayal of Mr. Freeze, showing the complicated tension between the Batman-Batgirl-Robin dynamic. Batgirl getting kidnapped without being a damsel or stupid.

Similarly, if you are a person with multiple children, especially ones that can speak and walk on their own, make *some* kind of attempt to wrangle your spawn. I was on a plane with a woman with SIX kids, ages 5-16, and even the 16 year old was an immature brat who would throw things and scream. The flight attendants,

‘I immediately regret my decision’

Because they’re campy, silly fun. Because after playing 9000x games about grim mercenaries and soldiers fighting against a dystopian world where green is considered a ‘bright’ color, a stupid, self-deprecating RPG with a fun combat system and totally impractical but cute outfits is a nice change of pace.

That’s one of the reasons Monster High has been working like gangbusters. People want to get all the characters and Mattel has been sneaky by making many of the monsters POC or disabled. They just came out with a fishman who has to be in a wheelchair because of his tail.

Yes, actually. The new ‘made to move’ dolls have moveable ankles so she can wear flats.

There are, if you see the Fashionista dolls in store, there are actually loads of face molds, their new pan pacific mold is actually really stunning. This is just a teensy selection of what they’re rolling out (I must confess, I’m a huge Barbie fangirl and collector)

My mom always bought me lots of dolls that were ethnicities that weren’t my own, I was really lucky that way. I think a big problem is too many people only buy white dolls for their white kids and never think little Meagan should have some Asian and black buddies for her blond Barbie doll..not necessarily that they

I’ve been seeing those multi-ethnicity fashionista dolls are really gorgeous and I really look forward to curvy Barbie because she looks really great. Hopefully, Mattel won’t goof this and not provide a wardrobe of equally nice outfits for the other body types. Mattel might have made some giant goofs in their history,

Anyone else pissed off they made Velma skinny?

*Squee* That’s actually a super cute idea. And the final results are really cool, very nice paint job.

I’d love some kind of PS3/PS4 compilation of the main games, but I think everyone knows at this point Konami would more likely torch the servers, concept art and scripts in a giant bonfire in the center of Tokyo so it could never be released again than actually do something that would be good for their business image.

My concern is the environment. Most sex toys are made from non recyclable materials, or a lot of the cheap ones have nasty chemicals that off gas. You might be pissing them off, but you might also be unintentionally murdering a bunch of innocent birds and fish that the whole refuge exists to protect.

That was actually pretty cool! And I loved the pokemon chess set with Nidoking as the king piece.

My response is ‘just because I’m crazy doesn’t make me *wrong*’

Oh, I better invest in a new computer for wo—1960s Lego Batcave!

People can make fun all they want of the idea of organic makeup, but for folks like me who have severe propylene gylcol allergies, organic/all natural makeup is all we can wear. Would be nice if it wasn’t so expensive, but this is Gwenneth Palrow, after all.

Yes. Federalist fashion was bitchin’.

It’s not just Asia, Europe, still has all sorts of festivals and events where everybody wears traditional costumes and celebrates old customs. But yeah, while the US’s past can be pretty checkered at times, it’d be nice if we would embrace our history more. The city I live in is almost 200 years old, and there are

Sure, but most couples these days don’t want a kid right out the gate, I’m sure if this was prevalent information in wedding magazines and stuff, cruise bookings for honeymoons would tank.