The Geek Empress

Considering how many couples take cruises as honeymoons and things, how does this make an iota of sense to not regularly stock contraceptives of any kind? Isn’t that like running a Chuck E Cheese but ripping out all the arcade games and animatronics?

Thanks for posting this. I needed something goofy and adorable this morning. Yay for doggie cosplays.

Creative subjects allow the mind to grasp abstract concepts because the brain is able to imagine things that don’t actually exist. If all you do is reinforce information without teaching abstract thought, then those incredibly abstract concepts can’t be comprehended. If a kid can make up aliens and elephants with

I guess it’s one just of those cultural differences that changes meaning in a different place.

Maybe because I live in a rather down and out part of town, and thus my local McDonalds is a really really run down franchise that still doesn’t have those techno touch screen drink dispensers, but I’m not exactly sure what the point is? I mean? Okay, McDonalds is fast and cheap food. You want to pick up lunch in like

Ah, the KH series. A bunch of light hearted action RPGs where Donald is a wizard, Goofy is a night and you get to explore Disney worlds with a sense of wonder and whimsy—where you got to weep giant ugly buckets at the heartwrenching agony the character go through.

Good to know I’m not entirely weird. I am genuinely and completely heartbroken that Megalodons are extinct as well. Those would have been so neat to observe in the wild.

While lots of folks are blaming Target or some kind of scam, my blame is on Sony. Why the hell does a game come with shrink wrap, and other accessories are in those hand slicing blister packs, but the 400 dollar machine inside the box is protected with...a piece of tape. It should be far, far easier to see if someone

My experiences with bad used game troubles are few and far between. I’ve probably bought 30-40 games in Amazon in the past few years and had only one issue: I had ordered a copy of Tales of the Abyss that actually had a Dynasty Warriors disk in it instead. And the guy gave me a full refund. When buying used just make

No worries, hope you have a wonderful Saturday.

It’s an RP toy as well. I didn’t *actually* capture magical spirits with my Clow Cards and Kero-chan plush, but it didn’t stop me from running around pretending I was. I know people like to whine about ‘kids these days’, but I do imagine kids still have *some* imagination left, which helps once they play the

Miku showed up on the Tonight Show and they used Dragonball Z to advertise Ford vehicles. Sense in these collaborations is a dot in the rear view mirror.

Oh awesome! That set is sometimes really hard to fine and always pricey. A week off might be justified for a purchase that big!

You always have the best gifs.

Curse you and your perfectly sound logic.

Science needs to get on making the Time Turner from Harry Potter real. That seems to be the only realistic way I’m ever going to have time to play all these RPGs that I really love. I missed a bunch from the PSOne and PS2 era that I’m tracking down now and got a PS3 at the beginning of this year. Not counting the

This good commenter, is a million dollar idea.

But imagine how cute Fran would look in this style! She’d be the cutest little bun bun.

You know the Squeenix merchandising complex is already working on manufacturing these guys. And I’ll be lined up with cash in hand. They’re so precious!!!!! Like them better than the RE:Coded/Kingdom Hearts X style they’ve been using for a while.

I remember quite a few of the Barbie GB and PC games weren’t bad. Certainly not life changing in the world of gaming, but pretty solidly coded, fairly nice graphics and challenging for a kid to play. Only downside was that the GB cartridges didn’t have internal batteries. Mattel’s stuff is largely shovelware, but it’s