eheh, I probably should have said ‘parent’ rather than ‘mom’. Not meant to enforce a gender stereotype, simply thinking about my own experience. My dad pretty much wasn’t in the picture at all.
eheh, I probably should have said ‘parent’ rather than ‘mom’. Not meant to enforce a gender stereotype, simply thinking about my own experience. My dad pretty much wasn’t in the picture at all.
It’s all about the mom’s teaching more than what the toys teach. I had loads of Barbies as a kid (actually, still collect them as an adult) and saw all the Disney movies from the 90s on. I knew from a young age that real people don’t look like Barbie, that it’s pretend like Bugs Bunny doesn’t represent a real rabbit,…
If Bay wasn’t in, I would have wanted Shantae in her place for sure.
I’m thrilled my queen made the cut.
First off, people really need to stop conflating censorship (which is when the government decides what content is and isn’t allowed) and business decisions. No state run agency in the US determines what can and can’t be in a video game. Even the ESRB is a private organization. Retailers choose not to carry AO games,…
Again, assumption that these kids have internet access or internet access that isn’t crazy heavy monitored. Some of these communities are unbelievably oppressive and even if a kid is smart enough to figure out how to get around filters, they may not out of fear or shame. It’s never wise to assume all people have the…
You overlook the fact that for some communities, a lot of kids never learn what sexual intercourse is, because not only is the school not talking about it, their families aren’t either. This is bad because some of these kids know so little about how this stuff works, they end up getting abused and never know it until…
You’re probably right. Hideo is probably no saint and there is a logical reason for the split. But Konami is doing a nightmare of a job of damage control. They’re not even TRYING to make themselves look good. It’s not only like they don’t care about a man who made them an assload of money, it’s like they don’t care…
I buckled and got the PS1 version simply because I couldn’t track down a GBA version at a price I liked and wanted to play the game. New copies of the anthology are stupid cheap on Amazon. Otherwise I’d have gone for the GBA version.
The first FFVII was already broken up onto multiple disks. Considering how stupid big Blu-Rays can be, what’s to stop them from just having multiple disks a la the original game to compensate for the size? Because breaking it up into giant downloads on US broadband powers is just going to make a whole lot of people…
Oh God, I cannot WAIT to see Knight of the Round implemented in combat. It’s going to be insane regardless of how the final system is implemented.
I’m planning on it, just waiting for another price drop. I try not to spend more than $20 bucks for new games because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to ever afford gaming as a hobby.
I’m pleased because I recently found a cheap copy of Esha and Logy (PS3), so right now I’m still hoping for SOME kind of news about Atelier Sophie. I want the Digimon game too so badly, but alas I have neither a PS4 or Vita. Will just have to lust after it for a while until those circumstances change.
Was not aware of that, thanks for the info.
Actually I think the Infinity portal works for all 3 games. Only thing not backwards compatible are the ‘playset’ pieces because the content is looked the disk.
That’s pretty much how my mom ended up buying the game for me. Whether I actually enjoyed it or not was irrelevent because she liked the figures. The game is pretty fun though. Not like lifechanging fun, but if you’ve got an hour with nothing to do it’s a pretty cheery time-waster.
Other cool thing is that the Disney Infinity figures are backwards compatible. So you use the pieces from the previous game to keep playing without having to make a huge investment right off the bat. With Skylanders you need to keep getting a whole new set of figures with each new game. It’ll be interesting to see if…
I’m certain it’s going to get answered fairly soon, because if you’ve seen just the first episode there is some inference that...something happened to them. Not good stuff either. Just hopefully not bad enough to render season 2’s epiloge entirely moot.
I think mainstream journalism and reviewing movies/books/whatever is a different animal. With mainstream, even if it’s of entertainment value, there’s responsibility and people’s lives to think about. Report the wrong thing at the wrong time and there are consequences. The damage is done to the people be reported on.