The Geek Empress

Using porn is silly because those poses aren’t really good for anything except porn, but tracing photos is very, very common in comics, illustration and product design and is a perfectly acceptable way of making art provided you are not directly copying detail for detail a copyrighted image (copyright law generally

Tracing other people’s art is absolutely no bueno, which like I said before, I do not like Greg Land and that Spider-Woman cover he did last year still boils my blood. But I repeat, directly tracing photos is okay. Neal Adams does it, Adam Hughes does it, Norman Rockwell did it. Famous painters used a projector called

While I don’t like Greg Land’s art, but you do realize, like, most major artists trace photos and copy references for their work? I went to a con to talk to Neal Adams and he said that this was his biggest piece of advice: have tons and tons of references and photos and trace them.

Oh man, that was a close call! Yipes. Similar thing happened when a couple of pits grabbed my chow/shepherd mix (different dog than Athena). Happened at a trailer park and one of the residents let my mom stick my dog through the window after one of the dogs grabbed her back. Thankfully chows are more skin than dog and

More like zealots. They are territorial and super protective. Anything that is viewed as an ‘intruder’ or ‘threat’ will be addressed. I hope your staffy and the other dog came out of that relatively unscathed. Staffies and big buckets of cuddliness.

You clearly didn’t hear about the Buddhist monks in Myanmar sending death threats to women’s groups who have been trying to teach women’s health information to the local female populace.

Oh my god, yes! They totally do that. And if you attempt to nudge them out of the way because you’re standing with a dripping rag or leaking part, they will give you the hurt dog look.

Yeah, that probably didn’t help her ego, did it?

With Athena she would try to jerk the leash and bark her head off, snarling anytime she saw another dog. As a result my mom developed the upper body strength and center of gravity of a running back. Athena just thought it was her destiny to be the greatest and most powerful dog of all and challenge everyone who

Dogmeat is quite a companion—almost like a real dog when he’s not doing egregiously silly/suicidal things. One Fallout 4 fan, however, didn’t think he was real enough.

The Android version is more prohibitive.

I love the gameplay of Shuffle but it’s annoying to have to wait like 3 hours before playing more levels.

I’m willing to sacrifice children to the appropriate deity for blocky Cloud Amiibo

Ugh, I am soooo sick of these Pokemon pay-to-win games. Just let me pay 30 dollars for the full game and not more of this micro transaction BS. First Pokemon Shuffle, then Pokemon GO, now this. You were the chosen one, Ninty! Don’t go on the dark side, especially not with this franchise.

Yeah...Lots of folks will catch the general things I overlooked. This figure is fail all over.

Even still. I have a friend who draws muscle fetish art (men and women) and this is still a really bad statue. But you’re pretty on the nose of it being Liefeldesque. His anatomy makes no damn sense either.

This is less an issue with the original design (that I’m not touching) more so that this is a really, really BAD adaptation of that design. The original design doesn’t have those weird hip bone thorns, the boobs are huge but the in-game drawing looks more organic than that set of smuggled beach balls and her head

Puts how goofy this Yokai Watch trailer into context, right?

Now playing

Friendly reminder that Nintendo ALWAYS had really weird commercials when introducing a new franchise. The original Pokemon commercial really turned me off of the game because I assumed the aim was to murder the cute little animals. Wasn’t ‘til I played it that realized how fun it was.

It’s neat that most of the main characters are ladies. I know Digimon was always largely a Shonen property, so the boys would be more of the heroes, and the female characters got less sidelined than most other Shonen properties, but it’s brings me back to when I was a little girl whining that that it was always the