The Geek Empress

Quick question, is the PC version going to be on GOG in addition to Steam or just on Steam? I found out ToS 1 was on GOG about a month ago and that made me happy because Steam’s connectivity demand is really annoying.

I live in a suburb of Denver, which is serviced by RTD. Last week my doctor canceled my appointment because I was 10 minutes late. I left my house an hour early to try to get there on time. I made my first bus but because my connecting bus never showed I had to wait 30 minutes for the next one to show up. The doctor’s

Honestly I think Taye Diggs would be a pretty good choice for Fire Emblem. He was recently in the lead role of Hedwig and the Angry Itch (which is about a drag queen) and did a really good job. He’s not a large guy, but he’s pretty strong. Wesley Snipes would also be a good choice since he did a great job in To Wong

I’m glad I found out about the Arland Trilogy *now* I just picked up Rorona Plus last week. Now that I know this game set is out, I can wait on tracking down Meruru and Totori. Hope they do one for the Dusk trilogy as well. And that they localize Atelier Sophie. That looks like it’s going to be a charmer.

Doesn’t his wife’s app (which is marketed to Tween girls) also have loads and loads of micro transactions? And didn’t it make like 80 million last year because of it?

Nope, most of my favs aren’t there, but it’s kinda hard to put all the favs in there when there are canonically over 1000 official Digimon. That being said, it’s a really good selection of great mon and I am getting more and more hyped for this game.

As someone who is both an artist and has serious back problems I can understand why an artist would be forced to take so many breaks. Art, particularly inking, is a bunch of hours stooped over a board getting stuff done. When you’re healthy it’s a strain on your back. When you have back problems so bad that the spasms

Honestly I’ve always loved both. Liked the Digimon anime and the Pokemon games. And toys from both. I think both have a really cool aesthetic that do different things.

Hey now! That’s not fair to the cats. A mutated form of a particularly painful STD that became immune to THAT’S the winning ticket.

Yeah, that’s pretty much my bag as well. ‘Goddammit another rerelease with an even stupider title’.

All these Japanese games that are coming out both for the PS3 and PS4 are making me nervous but I don’t know how much longer companies will import the PS3 versions. I only got my PS3 recently and It’s going to be a while yet before I could even consider getting a PS4 (right now the price for me is a bit

Dear dumbasses at PETA. Not everything done to a farm animal is necessarily cruel. We cut the tails off of sheep to prevent them from developing parasitic infections that are painful and will kill the animal. Likewise, herd animals with high testosterone levels will fight, and frequently kill one and other when kept

I’m glad I’m finding people who’ve actually heard of the Ugly Dachshund. I am a major dog nerd and it’s still one of my favorite movies.

Sadly, a lot of people assume that VNs are automatically stupid porn games (see: half the people commenting on this thread). I’m a sex-repulsed assexual and I still like VNs.

I think there’s also still a big difference between eroticism and straight up porn. An R-rated movie can have a sex scene, but it’s a whole different animal than a porn scene. I’m not familiar with this particular game but even some ero games aren’t *that* explicit.

About 7 or so years ago I was trying to track down a copy of Dirge of Cerberus for the PS2. After a few months of playing musical stock exchange with Circuit City (they frequently had the game on sale for $15 dollars, but every time I’d come in, they’d be sold out. Every time the sale was over, the game came back) I

Yeah, we usually are doing those excercises/therapies anyway. It just takes the pain from SOMEONE HAVE THE MERCY TO SHOVE A SWORD THROUGH MY CHEST to fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck the pain is making my life hell. (Anklosing Spondilitus sufferer)

Same. When a lot of these classic RPGs came out I couldn’t afford to get most of them since I was pretty broke through most of high school and college. Now I’ve been hunting down a bunch of games and trying to get them for as cheap as I can. Some games are harder to find and many haven’t been rereleased or available

FF games have a lot of those kind of characters. Ones that are practically indestructable if you bother to do the work for them, but are otherwise really weak wildcards that are hard to use.

I still have my first-gen DS. Still use it a lot too. It’s in pretty good shape except for the touch screen which is scuffed to hell.