

I just mentioned Marley above. Dave Holmes made the comment that she had the career of Marilyn Monroe, without the whole pesky death thing. Not sure the calabre of work was the same - but then, the calabre of films was not, either.

And not that she was on Vogue’s radar, but Marley Shelton was in every other movie in the late 90s, married a working producer and ... what happened?

I love you.

First thought: he’s morphing into his cousin, William Mapother.

Is it ageism if I say, “Eh, she’s just *25"? Because I said it when Angelina was that age too and acting out in ways that were just, oh dear, honey. (Not really that elderly, either. Just a sprinkle of salty social anthropologist).

I could ship The Brit with Andre Benjamin.

I thought he had mellowed into not esp bitchy these days? I didn’t interpret that tweet as nasty, though. I think/know there are some confused, unwell types who might overestimate their connection bc he/other slebs seem accessible and he’s just wafting a general reminder into the atmosphere.

It gives me hope, frankly. May we all butterfly into bamf dames like her.

“publicly attacked other women” - really? (genuine)

That Kim created something that the world connected to. Not all the world, but a lot of it, as evidenced by here we are.

I read his in Elmer Fudd’s voice, though I ad-libbed “alweady” unconsciously.

And now I’m going to have to see this and it’s not on Amazon, Hulu nor Netty. Shall have to try iTunes or some rusty dvd off ebay. Thank you so much for the heads-up!

Isn’t her son just the dishiest. And why on earth doesn’t he have a larger, Damian Lewis* style career, I wonder out loud.

Diana Rigg is on GoT? Go on. Am I going to have to start it frkm the beginning? Must I?

According to Instagram, two whole other people had also thought to name their hairy progeny that. A fie on them. I can only trump (ew) them by collecting more and calling them Radcliffe and Craig, perhaps.

Yes! Oh so handsome. Is that your pookie? I have a King Charles/Method actor mix named Spaniel Day-Lewis.

I don’t know about the tuxedo dog (don’t think they’re called that) but The O loves Cockers and Goldens, so I imagine the other 3 are hers. (I would not care what line of work it was if they let me bring my pooches every day).

It’s really given me pause. And she - the whole family - have never affected me one way or another; but she appears to have married a rape apologist.* *Holding out for “my feed was hacked”/“Ha! I was just playing to get the proles flapping their gums about me and my new album”/really any actual reason-not excuse for

I’d have trouble not divorcing a man who said that.