The Funny Looking One

Putting a pin here so I can come back later to see how having a seizure is unfair criticism of the christ-game that is beyond reproach  

That... was supposed to be a joke? Like... what?

It’s the same camp of people who think their “firmly right but not extreme right” political opinions make them “centrists”. They have no calibration for what the spectrum actually looks like and just assume they’re in the most reasonable part of it.

Twitter is irrelevant to this story. If you don’t care about the dispute because you don’t care about the people involved, that’s one thing, but if you don’t care about the dispute solely because it happened on Twitter, that’s weird. It’d be like saying you never got into verbally talking and you’re glad you never did

Nothing like claiming you love out-of-the-box thinking and then immediately going directly to the center of the box and appealing to a list of popular people who mostly think alike and agree with each other. And Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Your way of thinking is, sadly, about as mainstream as they come, chief.

I have an account I’ve used maybe 10 times since I’ve had it. I can’t really find out how it can help me, whether that be for entertainment, knowledge, or whatever.

He probably thought it would be an easy dunk on Darrah after leaving Bioware so suddenly, but its just another example from when keeping it real goes wrong.

I’ve lost track of how many years Twitter has been around - I have never used it - and it’s times like these I’m thankful that even after reading the article I’m still confused why anybody gives a shit about a petty Twitter squabble

Dishonesty from a conservative? Well I never!

This is the shit that gets me. Americans pay any amount of attention to a bunch of celebrities that know NOTHING about vaccines or development or medical science, but they won’t listen to professionals that have literally spent decades of their lives learning this one specific thing.

It’s Joe Rogan’s ENTIRE act. It’s an inch deep mile wide type stuff. Everyone wants to be an expert now without doing the work. And doing the work means going more than an inch deep on a subject. So she really isn’t interested in finding out about the multiple covid vaccines.  She just wants to sound smart by “asking

She’s not questioning , she’s making statements of belief then when she’s challenged she goes with “I’m just asking a question”, trying to make you look unreasonable.

I don’t know about that. I mean, does 2+2 really equal 4? I mean, are we just supposed to take a mathematician’s word for it just because they’re an “expert”?

It sort of makes sense, though. Those that go to college are probably in a theater or film program, so they’re not focused on STEM and medicine. A lot don’t go to college and probably didn’t have traditional focus in high school. Some don’t even finish school. And then there’s the child actors who were taught by an

Or if you are saying “just asking questions” as a way to defend spreading shit opinions. In other words you asked a question you didnt even want an answer to, you were just trying to do a “GOTCHA”

That “ I was questioning” line is the fall back for when you thought you were posting some “ah ha, gotcha” bullshit.

I hate seeing how many actors are really stupid.

When will celebs realize that they need to make sure to do the research before posting anything.... the world is really watching them. This is dumb. She should know better and being 27 doesn’t mean you get pass for posting dumb shit. That “ I was questioning” line is the fall back for when you thought you were posting

We need to find some way to eliminate “I’m just asking questions” from the discourse. It’s not because asking questions is bad - it’s good. The issue is that “just asking questions” doesn’t really do any good if you can’t understand the answers.

PSA: When you someone say something like this: