The Funny Looking One

I feel like a crazy person every time people gush about Spider-Man 2. I really don’t think it’s that great, and I’m a massive Spidey fan... he’s probably my favorite hero. So I appreciate your comment here. 

Maguire looked like he was about to fall asleep in a lot of scenes. 

I mean, I kind of agree. I know I’m in the minority but I still think he’s miscast. The golly gee whiz thing is annoying and his dramatic range is not great.

Honestly I am okay with using social media to ask for help after doing something momentously stupid. We all have done stupid shit and what good is a global platform if it can’t help us when we fuck up.

I’m kinda amused about the underlying suggestion in most of these recent pro-Tessica articles that turrible meanies are to blame for this woman’s error going viral.

Please don’t make her sympathetic, please don’t make her sympathetic, please don’t make her sympathetic...

using the scientific term “female” has gained traction for smartasses to dehumanize women

Can you think of a business where refusing to do business with another gender wouldn’t be hopelessly sexist and regressive? Sorry, I’m a football coach and I refuse to do interviews with female journalists because wife. Sorry, I’m a doctor, I cannot help female patients because MAH WIFE. Sorry, I’m an actor, I will

sounds like he’s getting a little tired of his every action being hyper-scrutinized by millions of people all the time.

Being frank, the drama did not occur because he didn’t stream with other women. He could’ve dodged the question, done a token stream or two, enough to quieten the critics, and the whole noise would’ve dissipated. The issue was that his denial was hopelessly tone-deaf, and involved a hilarious attempt at passing the

I have as much sympathy for him as I have for Mike Pence. It’s such a cop-out. Oh, I don’t want the drama. The drama is what you signed up for. It’s like any other celebrity who doesn’t want the attention. Yes, we get it. But you only exist because of attention. Your entire income, your persona, your entire existence

Ugh, Fuck this guy. He made like 20 million dollars after mixer folded, and he’s complaining about the streamer fanbase. He got to be a part of the cultural zeitgeist in a way most of us won’t and he made fucking bank doing it. Also his use of the term “female” ain’t great either. Fuck you, tyler.

But it’s like, temptation, man. Actually, I don’t like that word, because I have control of myself and 100 percent respect for my relationship, but—I don’t know how to word it.

Dude seems burnt out from all of this. I also think he doesn't really have any idea about what he's saying. The interview kinda makes it seem like this is the first time he's thought through some of this stuff out loud

That’s my question, though, why do so many people watch him? He may be good at fortnite but, who cares, there are millions of streamers out there who are just as good, more personable, and foster better communities. Why do so many gravitate toward him, specifically?

If only such streamers/youtubers had a plataform that could reach their fans and adress such issues.

Normally try and stay away from big streamers but in this case ... the comments on racism really irk me. As a public figure who many young people look up to and watch and emulate there is no question about ‘who should be having conversations with these kids’.

The answer is as a person and personality you don’t support

Also, isn’t he rich enough that he could just bail? Well, he might be under contract now, but he didn’t have to go back to Twitch.

Do everyone and yourself a favor, dude...

Jesus Christ, why does anyone give a single shit about this insufferable little fuck?

How much respect for your relationship do you have if hanging out with someone new of the opposite gender is too much for you to handle? And if it’s because your significant other can’t handle it, is that a healthy relationship to be in? Come on, man.

I can absolutely see being tired of the fan interaction, but that’s