The Funny Looking One

I tell my friends all the time you can’t fight unreasonableness with reasonableness and you can’t fight crazy with logic. You can’t outsmart crazy, so you have to outthink it. I have found that if you inject doubt in their system of logic (not yours notably) using their own version of truth for certain things and

But isn’t this a reason for the GOP to NOT vote for him. It’s what I never understood about these establishment dems. Appealing to conservatives makes them far less likely to support big liberal positions as conservatives pull further and further to the right (far faster and for a longer period than liberals have to

If they didn’t have one, they’d make one up and the media would treat them as though it were valid regardless. Civility and fairness should only be given to those who will give it in return. This is like being concerned for Richard Spencer’s feelings IMO. Besides, they cry wolf far too much to ever take any of their

Guillotines are juvenile. They hard to find and/or build. Gallows is/are much easier.

Come on, now. We can’t complain when white people don’t care but criticize them when they do.

I would say we’re socialized as well (at least up until 2000 pop culture wise at least) to think it’s some masculine accomplishment TO CONVINCE a woman that she wants to have sex us. Tons of problematic movies and tv shows did this gross shit all the time. If you can lay it on thick enough, trick her, bother/beg her

It was a non-sexual 1 minute portion of a sextape that they purchased from the person who recorded it because it took place in his home (with his wife with whom he had an open relationship). He was sued by Hogan as well (for much less of course).

Not to mention, all the work the music industry puts into charging people licensing fees to play music. Everything has to be licensed now, while in decades past a song could catch on, be heard everywhere, and become ubiquitous. The licensing lockdown from pirating (which studies have shown actually increased sales

But, who went after his family? They talked to him, told him what they thought of him, and left when asked.

You are aware the socialist polices poll incredibly well all over the country, right? You surely are also aware that, despite being a liar, Trump even ran on some of these same socialist policies, right? Despite both of that, democrats are often afraid to sell these policies even to lefties because they fear GOP

1. If they’re blocking transportation, one person’s attempt to take a sign won’t get the trains/buses moving like at all. The sane and legal way would be to go around it. Trains and buses have more than one stop and if the protest began during the work day, some are certainly active further along their respective

They’ll make something up if they have nothing as they do regularly, so trying to fight them on these terms is pointless. Also, Liberals need to challenge the media as well, especially after they treated Trump’s numerous crimes the same as mishandling email. When they ask how will dems pay for something (which always t

But that distinction only matters to Dems and women certainly won’t be better off with more Republicans in office. Pushing out Franken may have been the right thing to do (I’m still kind of iffy on it tbh based on the full stories of some of the accusations), but it wasn’t necessarily the smart thing to do. Not to

I think this misses the point a little. He’s only important because he’s democrat in the age of Trump. Liberals are standing for principle and losing because of it and that will ultimately put women in a far worse place than anything Franken may have done. When the other side is legit cheating, playing by the rules

She wasn’t legally covering her butt unless she dated more than one podcaster-turned-CEO who doesn’t drink. She left so much identifying detail to obviously ID him. This had to be purpose because the nature of her essay doesn’t change without it. That leads one to believe that she wanted this to hurt him. This wasn’t

You had me until you said Halle and Alexandra Shipp were cast as Storm because of their light skin and imply that Storm should be played by a dark-skinned woman. Storm has always been portrayed as a light to medium brown-skinned woman, which both Halle Berry and Alexandra Shipp are. Neither of them is at all racially

But we don’t know that the character was originally intended to be Japanese. Her creators never say such (the animated film creators), only that her robotic mind was older. She was bisexual later however. The manga creators (the original creators) intended her to as mass market as possible, implying that they didn’t

Including the statue of liberty.

Wrong site. But also, Gawker didn’t break any laws. The footage was purchased from the owner (which wasn’t Hogan) and even the recording of his racist tirade was leaked by someone in the room. Gawker folded because of a legal maneuver that bankrupted the company and not because of any ruling based in law. I’m pretty

True. My only point is people seem more angry that this was in his past at all instead of his current assholery. It’s not really fair to say “we’re angry because we didn’t know about public information.” I think it’s much fairer for his employees to be suspicious of his motives (since he said starting the company was