The Funny Looking One

She wrote the song, so she’s probably still making money from it and definitely more than Monica because of that. The rumored source of the pettiness though is a radio interview (breakfast club?) where Monica is asked about the rumor that she beat up Brandy at the MTV awards all those years ago (which was likely the

She wrote the song, so she’s probably still making money from it and definitely more than Monica because of that. The rumored source of the pettiness though is a radio interview (breakfast club?) where Monica is asked about the rumor that she beat up Brandy at the MTV awards all those years ago (which was likely the

Brandy did actually write the song though and invited Monica to sing on it. So, she may be petty, but she’s not wrong.

That’s kind of what I don’t get. The guy publicly saying he’s a reformed sexual assaulter shouldn’t be a bad thing (though whether or not he’s serious is another matter). The commenters and even his employees seem more angry that he had this in his past at all. There was no room to find out if his reformation was

No reading between the lines necessary. She was asked how do we pay for her big ideas on both CNN and Morning Joe (home of conventional wisdom) the day after she won, a question they’ve never posed about tax cuts or military spending. The media support this obviously Republican idea that we can’t afford to do anything

I’m not sure I get the criticism. White people should not be allowed to create a fictional game about human atrocities that uses the actual history of human atrocities? Slavery, genocide, family separation, etc are all things that humanity does repeatedly to each other (despite the sheer scale and consistency of

Not to mention, she gets Rogen’s anecdote wrong in her spittle-rage demands for “civility.” Rogen took the pic with Ryan’s children, but specifically not with Ryan and the children together.

It is, specifically because all people in an ethnic group don’t have the same features, so you’re essentially saying you’re not attracted to an entire group because they are a part of that group, instead of what they look like. For instance, I’m black but have been often mistaken for other ethnicities. You’d be amazed

So, he shouldn’t ask the most respectable and ostensibly best president we’ve had to step in (it won’t work but hey, desperate times and all that) and stop the Crazy, Racist Grandpa President? This thinking assumes that we won’t be affected, as black people (more than we are already), by Trump’s madness if he

That’s just it though this isn’t a white people problem. Trump is not a white people problem. He’s an American problem and who seeks to completely tear down our government and democracy. Obama, being the best and most recent president in most people’s view, is thought to have the power to stop him for some reason

He was also raised by white grandparents and a white mom, so his belief in white people’s ability to overcome or fight against racism is likely informed by their acceptance and loving of a child who didn’t look like them. He’s likely far more optimistic about the possibility of change/growth by white America than

Technically, isn’t he still claiming she lied? He says RC spit AT her, but at least implies that there wasn’t any physical contact.

One can eventually compromise, but the promise to compromise BEFORE any discussions start shows a distinct lack of passion or conviction. Besides, the Republicans of this country don’t compromise and thus, can’t be compromised with. They have no ideas besides vapid, repeated attempts to make the other side look bad.

I believe he said he didn’t remember if it happened but that it was possible, so he apologized to a victim.

The offenders’ well-being doesn’t come first as I specifically said he had to first make amends to the victims (to their satisfaction) before he could even get the job. But, besides that, HE is the problem, not the victims. We have to stop and fix him (Therapy, rehab, whatever.) so that there aren’t MORE victims. The

I didn’t say it caused sexual assault. I said HE said something along those lines. The victim said he was drinking and he said he didn’t remember the incident because he was drinking (but that it was certainly possible), which implies that he has some sort of drinking problem if he’s getting blackout drunk and

I believe, could be wrong, that he said something about alcoholism maybe? If he does blame that and hasn’t steps to fix it, he shouldn’t be hired back, IMO.

We are supposed to help him/make him do and be better, so that he doesn’t assault other people if possible. The first goal should be to avoid future sexual assaults. Negating his ability to work and making him desperate won’t accomplish that. Also, his victims decide what they need, hence why I said “make proper

I think if he’s shown himself to be actually apologetic, doesn’t repeat the behavior, and made proper amends to his victim, he should be allowed to work wherever they’ll take him. So often we see people who are unrepentant and aren’t really sorry. This guy admitted the allegations were true and apologized publicly.