
Having seen “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled”, I can believe this.

Steven certainly wasn’t noticing how unhappy Greg looked in most of those childhood pictures.

Surprised to read that you think we never get to see Bob’s sense of kinship to his peers when the link you provided goes to Season 9's “Roamin’ Bob-iday,” in which he completely identifies with, and works alongside, Tiffany Haddish’s sandwich shop owner — and then warns her against making the restaurant her be-all and

Gotta hand it to Bob’s Burgers, a decade of consistently funny seasons without a single dip in quality. No jumping the shark, no reliance on guest stars, no OMG moments... 100% funny character driven comedy with loads of heart to boot.

“Another Christmas Eve screaming through a fence”

Yup, the way the show handled this plot was pretty wonderful. Part of growing up includes disappointment, and also figuring out that you’re not the center of the universe. And maybe also actually getting good at something, rather than just goofing off all the time (which, as the article notes, isn’t usually recognized

You know, for all the AV Club has declined and the way the great kinjaing decimated the comment section, I still love that this is the only website where I can see a three-paragraph comment about the plotlines and emotional arcs of a cartoon and not roll my eyes while making a jerk off motion.

I love Gene and Linda. I don’t think either are “tricky” characters. There have been plenty of Gene-centric episodes and Linda-centric episodes that rank amongst my favorite. The characters’ more outgoing, confident attitudes towards life perfectly complement the other Belchers; take either of them away and the show

Hear hear!

I’d invite you to visit Dallas sometime and meet a few select members of the Cult of Silver and Blue. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and unearned entitlement.

I want to star this a thousand times. Angleos...struck...a deal. Wow.

The only thing worse than the Boston bandwagoners (“Bro, I’ve always lived in Pennsylvania but my cousin’s ex girlfriend went to Boston College and we partied there one time for St Paddy’s day. Boston Strong, bro, Boston Strong!”) are the New England academic brahmins boring the world to death with their essays on Sox

So Boston Fan is now judging other fan bases as inferior and flawed.  That’s some rich fuckin chowdah right there.  Constructive thought:  if you are going to be a douche and plan to show that to everyone, maybe do it with fewer words.  

I have yet to see a critique of DC from a non-DMV person that actually realistically represents this town. It’s always tainted with biases against the politicians who everyone else is sending here! If DC is the worst it’s because ya’ll are sending your worst to us. To the “celebs and rich people are buying the

Imagine writing about all these people that allegedly don’t deserve to witness a World Series in person, all while knowing that a putz like Dan Shaughnessy has 

St.Louis is probably pretty close, actually. This take is about the writers who will pontificate and naval gaze about what their team “means.” Boston writers are pretty obnoxious about making everything a provincial “Boston vs the World” dick measuring contest, but you’ve gotta disrespect the way Cardinal writers talk

The name Wizards might be a bit sparkly for an NBA team, but it’s vastly preferable over Bullets.   It’s not the stupidest team name far.   My nomination for that is the Utah Jazz.   The name sort of made sense in New Orleans, but in Utah it’s bizarre.   

Exactly.  As someone who lives here and has actually been to games, this dude is way off base. 

Pounding sand is also an option.

Point of order: DC has had *3* baseball teams, and one was popular. The Washington Homestead Grays of the Negro League started out near Pittsburgh but adopted DC as their second home. Fan numbers were high enough that by the end of the Negro League they were playing more than 2/3rds of their games in DC.  They even