
Angelos also gutted his team so he could cry poor to try and keep a team out of DC. Then, when that didn’t work he demanded a larger share of the network deal, even though the Washington market was always going to be the bigger slice of the MASN pie.

You act like Angelos had some sort of right to the (much larger) DC market.

Jesus Christ, can we at least wait until the Nationals actually win before starting in on this bullshit?

We stage a burglary, and in the struggle we stab Dad, but only a little, and Mom is go glad he survived she forgets all about the anniversary.” Wow, you know Gene’s feeling the heat when he starts talking like Louise.

I’m not sure anyone wants to see this show go too heavy on the angst, but the kids’ feelings about Della’s absence and what it did to them need to be addressed more than they have, if only so everyone can move on. It’s getting to be a bit of an elephant in the room.

I had the same thought. I figure the writers just wanted a reason to involve Beaks.

“If you wanna be a part of this family...” Seriously, Della? Also, there’s a difference between grounding a kid and leaving him alone for two days (the timeline of this episode did seem a little wonky though). I’ll be pretty disappointed if this counts as the resolution episode.

Well, this puts a new spin on just about every Louie scene this season: on top of every other emotion he’s feeling about Della’s return, he’s mad at her. He feels badly about it most of the time (the scene in “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck” where he admits mixed feeling as to her return just took on a whole different

I think the way they played it, as some combination of business and personal, makes sense when you consider how Louie has been shown to have the most anxiety of the triplets about Della’s return. It’s a little hard to tell, since we haven’t really gotten any extended interaction between the two of them yet, but I

What's the point of even having heroes anymore?

I actually really like Hachimura as a player, but at 9? You know, maybe if the Wizards, I don’t know, had a GM, they could’ve traded down and still got him.

I'm a bit baffled by the idea that the Lakers are now "favorites" in the West. You know they have to have five guys on the floor at a time, right?

If this ends up being a backdoor pilot for a new Darkwing Duck, I wonder what that means for the future of Launchpad on DuckTales? They did hint a couple episodes ago that Della’s presence might make him a bit redundant as the family’s pilot.

As soon as I saw NO got the pick, my first thought was “Wow, Deadspin will be salty about this.”

Anyone else think it was weird that we got a Della and Dewey episode that didn’t at all address the fact that Dewey actually time-traveled to meet his mother last Christmas?

Part of me was waiting for Gene or (more likely) Louise to call Tina out, but that probably would have brought up issues they couldn’t have neatly solved in 22 minutes.

I thought this was a good one, but I couldn’t help but think this was a script held over from back in season three or something. Tina being so willing to let Zeke get sent away because of her Jimmy Jr. obsession felt like it went against a lot of her character development from subsequent seasons. It especially stood

Peter Pescadero is in Gene's grade, though he's less a character than "Jon Benjamin doing a funny voice". Darryl is the next grade up, between Gene and Tina.

I kind of liked it when the restaurant subplot devolved into Bob and Teddy yelling at each other, one because I always enjoy Bob and Teddy’s back and forth, and two because there wasn’t much to that subplot otherwise.

It’s pretty amazing, and a credit to the writers, how Alex has gone from being the weird kid in a pretty forgettable episode to a believable best friend for Gene in all of two subsequent appearances.