
Have been saying the same thing, verbatim, for over a decade now. At least now I can take solace in last year, and not stake my mental health on the Caps running into either the Penguins or a mediocre team with a hot goalie and squandering everything.

I wasn’t really feeling this one. I think for the Esther character to really work she needed to be at least a little sympathetic. It’s hard to care about someone who’s that nasty to children getting their happy ending.

I really don’t think it gets mentioned enough that the Pelicans swept the Blazers out of the playoffs last year, without Boogie. Somehow, half a season later, the narrative is how this was a hopeless, go nowhere team that didn't deserve Davis.

Yeah. That version of the show might have gotten half a season on Adult Swim.

Without much hyperbole, I think the changing of Dan Belcher to Tina Belcher may be the most critical last minute change any show has ever made. 

Pretty much in total agreement here, except that I’d add “Stand By Gene” to your list, for my money one of the show’s best overall.

Yeah, but I always kinda saw that as just her being a little girl who loves her dad, rather than an indication of what she'd actually end up doing in life. I think running the restaurant would bore her to tears.

I honestly can't picture any of the Belcher kids ultimately being happy running the restaurant, Louise least of all. She'll go work for Fischoeder and end up owning the town. Zeke will end up taking over Bob's Burgers.

Then Jokic steps in between like a good older brother. “C’mon, he doesn’t know what he’s doing man.”

One of these days, maybe when they get to their final season, I’d really like to meet Teddy’s family.

“Yadda Yadda Dada- Jewish Surrealist Art Gallery” is still the champ.

I really do miss Bruce. I know, the Caps underachieved horribly when he was here, but damn he was a lot of fun. Local commercials haven’t been the same since he left town.

We get it. As a basketball fan, seeing LeBron and AD play together would have been cool (and still might be, next season). Acting like New Orleans had some sort of obligation to make that happen, whether they're able to get a better haul this summer or not, is a bad take. 

Yeah, I'll have to give it a rewatch with my expectations adjusted, but my initial feeling was that a Bob's Valentine's episode that is also a 'kids telling stories' episode should've been much better.

I had the same thought about Johnny Nottinghill being the Nick Frost stand in.

I dunno. On one hand, yeah, I could see LeBron turning it on late to drag this team to the playoffs as a matter of pride. On the other hand, why does it he put himself through that for the prize of maybe taking the Warriors or Nuggets to five games? The only upside there would be getting playoff experience for a bunch

If we’re talking about doing the deed themselves, then and there, it’s gotta be Pop. With Belicheck, it would be a situation where said reporter just doesn’t show up to the next presser and is found in the fens 2 months later, and all the talk on sports radio is about how “Bill’s got an airtight alibi, and this is

This is the first new Simpsons episode I’ve caught in a while (confession: I was only watching because football ran long and I didn’t want to miss the beginning of Bob’s Burgers) and ugh, what an episode to come back to. This went beyond just rehashing older episodes, it felt like a beat for beat recreation, except

Hate to say it, but my first thought here was: what scandal is about to break?

Popularity at Wagstaff is weird. I don't know about anyone else, but the lisping kid who was super into dancing wasn't super high on the food chain when I was in middle school.