Fascinating! Thanks for the cross-lore insight!
Fascinating! Thanks for the cross-lore insight!
That would be an FF7 level twist, especially considering she’s integrated into your actual UI and everything else - not sure how they’d pull that off in a game like this, but boi that’d be something.
Seen it twice - completely forgot that was the demon name there.
I felt the same about Paimon on downloading the game, but swapping to the Japanese voice track helped immensely. Maybe it’s just the fact that I grew up on ear-grating English dubs, but whiny English voice acting kills things for me, and it’s not nearly as noticeable (to me) in Japanese - I actually enjoy her…
It’s worth noting that the Original Sin games would never have been good as they were without Early Access - those were constantly ironed out over years via Kickstarter/Early Access feedback, resulting in the final editions that have been so praised. BG3 will likely follow the same trajectory.
I appreciate the kind words! Between the stock market since Feb (thanks r/WSB) and a couple of gachas, quarantine has had me in a bad financial trajectory. Here’s hoping I can pull up before I crash and burn altogether.
I started playing the game on my iPad then swapped over to my laptop and have had a hard time going back - while it looks shockingly good on the iPad, it’s just too beautiful and smooth on a decked out gaming computer. That said, like you mentioned, that controller layout - oof. It’s going to seriously mess me up for…
That’s the smart play, really. I don’t have a 401k, and have been trying to play the daily moves for the past few months, which hasn’t been serving me as well, as the market action since the March crash has been truly bizarre, disgustingly bullish, and decoupled from the economy and any sense of logic. Currently we’re…
Damn - I haven’t been on Kotaku in a while and didn’t catch that Jason left, and to Bloomberg no less (oddly enough because I’ve been too busy following financial news - from places like Bloomberg - off a cliff in Robinhood, like thousands of other people these days...)
God that hits the head on a nail of soooooo many things that have puzzled me about father-daughter culture in the US. It also probably links to the whole “daddy” thing during sex, which I’m still like... puzzled about?
Right? I’m sick of gamer outrage too, but I hadn’t followed this closely and had expected it to be a much more robust remake - and instead it looks like a half-step past an HD remaster.
It’s shocking how long it took for tower defense gachas to start hitting the market - it just always seemed like the perfect combo. That game looks tempting but I’m not gonna let myself touch another gacha any time soon.
Gachas are the worst sort of digital crack. I ended up getting fleeced of around ~$5k over several years and different games. The psychology behind them is truly malicious - and I can still remember how good the excitement of certain pulls felt. I was in a Discord server for years which had subs for pretty much every…
From the flashy camera angles during the battles I get the feeling this is going to be a turn-based gacha following the usual format for those, which is no doubt not going to make fans happy (and will be bloated with P2W micros), but who knows, maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised and that won’t be the case.
See. Now I’m sad, because this just reminds me of Gawker and how good its comments were.
Yeah! I thought the concept was solid too, but oh man, that execution.
The story in Shadow Fall was so bad. It was just incredibly stupid,all around, predictable yet hard to believe, with characters you couldn’t be made to care about. Looked pretty enough, though, and with all the KZ games the multiplayer was a lot of fun. Hence why I’m skeptical about Zero Dawn, despite the mass amount…
With the exception of Persona 4, that is dead on in my experience. I think FFXII was the last JRPG apart from P4 I loved, and I was 23 then. Now I am much older and JRPGs just don’t look fun - even the new and shiny Final Fantasy.
I have resurrected my ancient account to say: everything about this makes me sad. /endscene
Perhaps, but when you're watching a killcam where someone is moving from headshot to headshot in without even pausing to aim everytime you see the killcam, it's pretty clear it's not a fluke.