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    MLS scheduling is set based on East/West conferences generally speaking you have a home and away with every team in your conference then a home or away with teams in the opposing conference alternating years for whether it is a home or away game.  

    He is coaching in Austin home of Tito’s Vodka, coming out as a vodka guy could prove quite lucrative.

    “I bet the Red Sox had the most fun anyone’s ever had on a flight to Cleveland.”   The 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers would like to have a word with you. 

    Imagine paying to attend an event based on a promised service, waiting in line for hours and then being told the service that was promised wasn’t going to happen.

    Pouraliganji did not need a translator for his responses, WE needed a translation of HIS responses. After the game Pouraliganji spoke to Sina Saemian an Iranian journalist in Farsi, the journalist translated those comments to English so that they could reach a broader audience.  Diego Costa was almost certainly

    It’s not, in that situation he still discussed confidential health information with people that were not need to know. That’s still a big problem.

    The Mass Effect 2 loyalty missions are the best and do not get enough praise, their omission in ME:3 was just a big a reason for me disliking that game as the ending was, and the missions in ME:A were consistent bright spots.

    My Mom died when I was 18, youngest sibling was 13, after 20 years of marriage to my Dad. To this day I don’t understand how he dealt it. Trust me when I say that something like this is devastating on levels you don’t know are possible and even when you think you’re ok, you’re not ok.

    Let’s remember some jokes

    He said in the letter that it wasn’t because he didn’t want to pay for child support but because Chancellor’s mother was beyond a sexual encounter basically a stranger who didn’t want to have an abortion. Which is the most roundabout way to say “technically it wasn’t about child support,” when of course it fucking was.

    I’m a white dude, so yeah makes sense I would think that

    You’re right, all she needs is a tearful/sincere apology saying “It was just a youthful mistake, I want my life back, look at all the ways I have suffered,” and over half the country will forgive her and the other half will have forgotten her.

    Jim Tomsula?

    I’ve been thinking about the anonymity as cause for shit headiness argument recently, and I think it’s much more a lack of mutually agreed upon actionable consequences. If those young white people in your example are high school or college students none of them would say the n-word in class, because there are agreed

    Bortles/Keenum/Foles are playing with top 5 defenses* the Patriots are playing with a bottom 5 defense, that offense needs to run if they’re going to win

    *According to Football Outsiders

    “It’s not really that interesting” is such a dodge, because without the Kerrigan attack it’s not worth making a movie about, the subject of her guilt is inherently interesting.

    To play devil’s advocate a bit: figure skating has a scoring system that has a level of subjectivity to it, part of that score is based on the skaters style. Ashley Wagner has a record of doing well on style points, what she and the skating community is upset about is her getting a very low score in the style points,

    Alpha Protocol, god bless that dumb game

    Sounds like I was at the same show as Hannah’s sister. I can confirm that I’m With Her was absolutely brilliant and made me an instant fan of their’s based on that cover.