
I did too. I was like, "duh. Cause of death: Pirates."

For a second I thought the bodies had been there undiscovered since the Captain Phillips incident. Was a bit surprised.

Let's see Family Matters with nothing BUT Urkel

And when Jesus does jazz hands, the spotlight shines through his stigmata. We are this close to a Broadway hit.

I am CRYING. I am crying from laughing over "Jesus Tapdancing Christ!" I am now imagining a full musical. Jesus and his 12 jazzy disciples.

Jesus. Tapdancing. Christ. I got halfway through reading that headline, realized where it was going and was like NOPE NOPE NOPE. And now I've commented without even reading the article because I have to be able to sleep at night, guys, okay?

Standard comment about assholes who don't eat like I think they should, followed by nutritional expertise that I overheard somewhere. Accusation that people who either do or don't eat gluten are morons. Dismissal of all medical problems of any kind in either direction.

I feel like it shouldn't even need to be said that regardless of your opinion on hunting, responsibly hunting a non-endangered animal is a hugely different thing than taking part in the wasteful destruction of a species solely for a single body part and contributing to a dangerous black market.

And yet the fact that she managed to run an entire marathon suggests otherwise.

Pooping after running is, like, the only enjoyable part of running.


Now playing

I'm not a 'MURICA type of gal in any way, but I'll be damned if Whitney's version of the Star Spangled Banner doesn't make me want to let an un-ironic "USA! USA! USA!" chant out.


It literally took me about a minute to place all the arms and legs.

I'm a Virgo Rising/Ascendant and I've been losing my shit regularly, in terms of my anxiety.

Hands up if you're a Merc-ruled Virgo or Gemini and as such already felt the madness coming on yesterday.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.

Pretty sure Samiwert just ripped off this idea.
Kayne West has had pictures of Kanye West all over his house for YEARS.

As a kid, I never understood my dad's hatred for him and why he'd never let me watch any of his movies. Now I get it. Thanks, Dad!