I just deleted my Facebook account and am looking to Twitter to aggregate some of my news sources. Trying to separate the signal from the noise may prove to be too overwhelming. I miss Google Reader.
I just deleted my Facebook account and am looking to Twitter to aggregate some of my news sources. Trying to separate the signal from the noise may prove to be too overwhelming. I miss Google Reader.
Do you live in a city? Do you work full-time? Do you have a puppy? Is/was it hard? Do you use dog-walkers? A crate? Doggie Kindergarten? Tell me everything!
Is that the kid from the opening credits of Transparent?
How do we watch this in the US?!
The lead producer is Jeffrey Seller, not LMM.
I’m crazy obsessed with Hamilton. I’m very lucky because I’ve seen it twice, and I’m seeing it two more times. When I bought tickets a few days ago, I noticed that the price of premium seats skyrocketed. It left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. $850? For a show? Really? I don’t know how to make sense of this. But…
Pet peeve: It’s not a gender reveal. It’s a sex reveal. I should just make my peace with the fact that these will always and forever be conflated.
I am not up to speed on my southern slights. What is the sub-context of bless his heart?
“Report: Celebrities Aren’t the Only Women Over 40 Having Kids”
I saw Hamilton in August. Loved it so much that I immediately bought tickets to see it, again, in April. And again in September. I may have a slight obsession.
Thank you!!!
I got the best Christmas present, this year! Last April, I became friends with a woman I met at my local yoga studio. I fell in love with her over the summer. But she’s straight, and so I resigned myself to the tragedy of unrequited love. For months, I kept my feelings to myself. Two weeks ago, she told me that she’s…
I don’t know enough about the law, but I worry. Is it possible that the judge could go against the jury at sentencing and give him minimal or no time to serve?
I think that’s their house.
I read that as “Fresh Shame” and was very curious.
The baby’s name was Baylee. That’s how much that photo and story stuck with me, and I was in high school when it happened.
Fellow endo-sufferer here. Sending you hugs and support. xx
Where is this stat from? I’d love to learn more about it and share it with friends.
My cat died, today. :(