LOL! Awww... hope you're feeling better. I'm still bleeding like a stuck pig.
LOL! Awww... hope you're feeling better. I'm still bleeding like a stuck pig.
Alas, no partner at hand. But I don't need a partner to have sex. :)
Inglourious Basterds is a good one for me. If I want to sob cathartic tears, I was What Dreams May Come. A League of Their Own is my favorite movie of all time. When I'm feeling extra emotional, I add chocolate chip cookies to the movie marathon. I'm sorry you're in this situation. Hugs from NYC!
I got my period today - a week early, which has never happened before and is in line with a bunch of other new shitty things (sleeplessness, hot flashes, extreme mood swings). Blurgh. I'm trying clary sage essential oil for the first time today, and it's keeping the pain at bay. Despite the discomfort, eating Thai…
^^^ Proud Lion, right here.
I LOVE that they let Shiloh wear pants, a top hat, and be a ring bearer. Melts my cold butch heart.
This one?
I'm almost 33 years old. I have endometriosis and am starting to feel the (very uncomfortable) symptoms of perimenopause. Any other Jezzies start perim at a young(ish) age? Any tips for dealing with hot flashes and heart palpitations and crippling anxiety?
On the one hand, I get that this is adorable. On the other hand, I wonder about the psychological effects of raising a generation of kids who are filmed when they're in distress.
But it's not. I don't see it anywhere in the comments.
Can you please add info about suicide hotlines to the bottom of this post?
If a professional comedian can't beat this disease, then what hope is there for the rest of us who suffer from it?
I worked at an ivy league university that took itself very seriously and there was an all-staff announcement about the retirement of someone very important. One of the recipients accidentally hit reply all and sent the message "Ding dong, the witch is dead." The collective gasp in my office when we all received the…
Super jealous! I was there for the first time in June and I LOVED it! So much so, in fact, that I looked for jobs. Alas, my industry isn't really well represented in Portland. Enjoy your new home!
How exciting! Oregon or Maine?
Sometimes, I like to imagine that all the straight and bi women the world over will collectively decide to stop having sex with men until women are treated equally and fairly.
I don't want to have any kids of my own, but I'd like to be a surrogate because pregnancy can alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. Alas, it's not legal in NY.
I go to yoga classes 4x a week and I've got two weeks of travel coming up. I'd like to have a mat with me in the hotel so I can continue to practice. Do folks have a favorite travel mat? Would a yogitoes towel suit this purpose? Thanks for your tips!
Does it matter that I haven't seen TS1 or 2?