
I need a good cry. What's your most satisfyingly tear-inducing movie that has a happy ending?

O'Dowd stole the show. It was well done.

I saw Franco in Of Mice and Men last weekend and was surprised that I liked it.

Jay Z and Beyonce haven't been married for twelve years. The wed in 2008.

I use a Moving Comfort Fiona bra for jogging and yoga. I bought one and was hooked. Even doing a handstand, the girls stay put.

How do you know that's a boy?

Got a reservation at Andina for Thursday. Thanks!

Street parking on the UWS isn't easy to come by (like most of the city, I guess). There's a small lot on West 80th just off Broadway that I think has reasonable rates. If you're a foodie, try the Katz' pastrami egg roll and bacon and egg fried rice at Red Farm. And if you don't mind waiting in line for a little while,

I'm going to Portland, OR tomorrow for the first time: three days for work and three days for play. Restaurant and to-do recommendations are most appreciated. Thanks!

Yes! Been there. I had nausea, brain zaps, weird eye stuff - the works. Here's what I did to alleviate the symptoms:

Wish they hadn't photoshopped her thighs.

That looks like Fidel Castro.

I'm a woman with this hair cut. It's awesome.

Will the video be allowed as evidence?

What is this? Am I the only one who sees a misshapen cup of coffee?

If the painting was on loan to the Museum, then why isn't it being returned to the lender?

My takeaway from this is that lady penguins can be butch. This makes me happy.