
Me, three! I'm also allergic to cipro, so. . . . hope I never get a UTI.

Longest week EVER!

So she gets fired for showing a video about porn in class, but the professor who has an in-class porn demonstration gets to keep his job?

OK. It's been a really long week, so I'm gonna be the asshole who asks this:

HAHAHA! Where is Park Slope, NJ Edition? Hoboken? Downtown JC?

I wouldn't say they're supporting community arts. They're supporting arts for people who can afford a ticket. Tickets start at $1500. This makes me sad.

So now her rights have been violated twice. Greeeaaaaaat.


I wonder what antibiotics were used for the trial. I'm allergic to three antibiotics, so I think I'd opt for the surgery instead of chest pain, sunburn, joint pain, panic attacks, and hallucinations.

How is this legal?

So cute! I have to approve posts because I'm worried about hate-filled ones. Looks like I'm paranoid for nothing, as I haven't been able to get much traction with the project.

We could call it Recovering Catholics.

It's like we're the same person: ex-Catholic, high school CCD teacher, Catholic school graduate, sinner-communion consumer...

Yes. This.

Thanks, hun!

Can Jezebel /please/ stop including Chris Brown in tweet beat. Pretty please!

@lafindumer @whatthewhat?! @meow

Dear Little Maria,

I use Spokeo, and similar sites, to track my rapist. I don't stalk him. I just check once or twice a year to see where he's living. It gives me peace of mind to know how far he is/isn't from me at a given time. It also helps me imagine revenge fantasies, but that's a comment best fleshed out at another time...