
I'd be interested to see what her school's IRB committee thinks about this. She basically engaged minors in her research without their knowledge or consent, or the consent of their parents. For a formal research project, is that ethical?

If Snooki can't drink, then what the hell is MTV going to use for footage of the new show in Jersey City? 90% of Jersey Shore shows Snooki drunk. What will be shown when she's sober?

Seems like just yesterday when people were encouraged to eat smaller portions of food six times throughout the day.

"Can. 912 Any baptized person not prohibited by law can and must be admitted to holy communion."

I hope he also refused to give communion to all the women on birth control, and all the men who wear condoms, and anyone who's ever been divorced, or had premarital sex, or.... Homosexuality isn't one of the ten commandments. It's not God's law. It's men's interpretation of the Bible, a text which is subject to myriad

What about Jennifer Hudson?

Thanks for reading @ShiverStar and @TreatYoSelf. They say that the way to end the shame is to end the silence. I hope that the blog - though anonymous - helps me overcome the shame, and the fear of speaking about it. Support from Jezzies is awesome!

I'm not really a movie person, though I've tried. I watched Pulp Fiction for the first time yesterday. Oh, and I also watched A Fish Called Wanda. And I watched The History Boys today. All of them were just OK. But I'll gladly take TV recs! I love sitcoms. Thanks!

I like Cameron because it's gender neutral. If I ever have a daughter, I'd name her Cameron because women with gender neutral names are more likely to get calls for job interviews. And Cameron's a good boy's name, too.

I'm trying to get into this show because my friends swear it's awesome. I watched three episodes last night, and just didn't see what's so great about it. How long before it gets good?

Maybe plain white rice or crackers?


What is Winter White wine and where can I get some?

I'm home watching 30 Rock reruns and taking percocet. I had vaginal surgery yesterday without anesthesia. I'm sore and tired and want nothing more than to have cookies and ice cream delivered. Here's more about the medical mill, for those so inclined:


I don't understand why the camera isn't stationary? Is there a person behind it actually tracking this man in the store?

I've had my rape. It wasn't like a game show.

Who are the people wearing shiny clothes standing behind them?

I think that's a shadow. No other pics of him show a goatee.

Why would I choose to be a second class citizen?