
Some doctors will also do a breast exam at this time. It's a good idea to talk about this, too, before this part of the exam starts. I get just as freaked out about this part as about the pap.

You're lucky you didn't get your ass kicked - or worse.

Yes, on a PATH train between 23rd and 33rd Street in Manhattan.

I'm sorry he died. I was looking forward to the vicarious satisfaction of watching 50+ victims take him to civil court.

LOVE THIS! Mind if I post to FB?

Re: the new Mad Men poster....

Is it true that his ex-girlfriend's name is Blue?

So, yeah, my ovaries just melted a little. But when he calls her magic, I thought of his song Blue Magic, which is about heroin.

Gothamist is saying they paid $1.3 mil for the floor. Yowzers!

Brad's NY Time's Touch of Evil video (for that photo shoot) is pretty awesome.

This is (obviously) not a bad thing. But I wish he'd promote gay rights here, too.

9" girth? Is that even possible? Isn't that, like, just slightly smaller than when a baby's head crowns? Holy mother of ouch!

I love this video, but I question whether we should use violence to counter ignorance.

Glad I'm a dyke. I've never gone a date with a woman where it was expected that I'd pay for the whole meal. Sheesh. #straightpeopleproblems

This absolutely thrills me..... mostly because I hated seeing his tweets in Tweet Beat.

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Let's hope.

She doesn't trust her husband and he sometimes isn't nice to her. Mariah doesn't seem happy to me.

Most of the clients who want their pets stuffed are from NYC, so maybe it's a regional thing? And yeah, we say stuffed or mounted most of the time.

My dad's a taxidermist. Some people just don't want to say goodbye to their beloved pets....and they're willing to pay big bucks for the privilege of keeping them around.