I'm not a serial killer. I'm just doing my damnedest to prevent a panic attack.
I'm not a serial killer. I'm just doing my damnedest to prevent a panic attack.
I am dealing with this horror right now. My cat has been catching a mouse every night, playing with it, and then losing it. Last week, he dropped the LIVE MOUSE onto my bed while I was sleeping in it, AND LET IT GET UNDER THE COVERS WITH ME!
Did they only survey straight women? Cuz there's a significant lesbo population in NYC, and until recently, they /couldn't/ get married. So that skews things a bit. And if they /did/ include dykes, then yay for me! Nice to know there are lots of fish in the sea .....at least until I'm ready to settle down.
I'm glad to see that Cher is so supportive of Chaz, now. In the documentary "Becoming Chaz" she seemed really conflicted and borderline negative about what Chaz was going through.
Thanks, hun!
I was sexually abused starting at age 14, and to this day (16 years later) I sometimes blame myself. I can't imagine how much harder it would be to handle the feelings of guilt if I had to listen to grown-ups reinforce them.
Maybe Marcy if it's a girl, and methinks Colleek if it's a boy. Or Gloria, maybe, after Jay's mom.
Wonder if she ate the afterbirth.
Hearted for that.
"I kindly declined, but not because it was placenta, but because it was MY placenta."
Hearted for that, from someone who did just that to get through the cranks today.
Condo in Jersey City. Irony: I'm in the process of renting it out so I can become. . . wait for it. . . a bitter NYC renter.
That is almost a monthly mortgage payment for me.
I wonder how the Jamaican government would feel if we (the gay community) stopped traveling there and infusing their economy with our gay money. (I am actually terrified to go to Jamaica, but I have friends who love some of the resorts there.)
How does Coco not have yeast infections all the time?
Today, I am thankful that the Internet exposes bigots. Here Comes the Bride's Yelp page is blowing up — or imploding, as it were.
Yes! Do it and report back to us.
Can someone else be charged with rape if that person put someone in a position where it was likely to happen?
Excellent point!