@zuzik_2011: Like that's the only part of his body that he forgot to spray-tan? Um, yeah.
@zuzik_2011: Like that's the only part of his body that he forgot to spray-tan? Um, yeah.
Thank God she's willing to suffer so much in order for us (and by us, I mean me) to catch of glimpse of those toned calves!
@NewWaveBatMitzvah: I love her, too, but I felt like this episode didn't show her in the best light. After "the punch" she was all, "Ron, I'm here for you. I only told her what you did in Miami because I wanted her to leave." And then at Karma at the end of the show, she's all, "I'm so sorry. I'm here for you if you…
@Ipomoea: I wish I could heart you again.
@Kaiser-Machead: "....hang off of the stern and dog paddle" pulling the yacht in his wake.
@mahmahmahpokerface @beezelbubbles: I wonder what insurance co. would be dumb enough to insure him. Hell, I'd rather insure Lindsay at this point!
@mahmahmahpokerface: And they must have an ironclad insurance policy on him.
Dita is smokin'!
@NefariousNewt: PATH train in the hiz-ouse!
@Kate3.97: Think you have it bad? Try living in Jersey.
@ooh get me away from here...: Wurd!
@Tulills: I read it "2 US" as "to the United States."
@Rude And Not Ginger: Me, too. Em's weren't as bad, but they could use some upward tugs, too. I don't need to know that he wears boxers.
@centrechick: I'm gay and I'd dip a toe in the straight pool if Eminem got wet with me.
Anyone else feel bad for the elephant?
@annieoakley: Hearted.
@mippa: @ZoetheBitch @Hell on Heels @CrankyOldBroad: This phenomenon is weird, tho. Why do fathers of daughters imply violence against boys? Is the expectation that boys need threats or that girls can't initiate intimate behavior? Incidentally, I'm a Lesbian, and my father has never done this a girlfriend. Ever.
My dad's a big game hunter, and the home in which I grew up looked like an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. One space on the wall remained empty, and he would tell boyfriends and boy friends that he was saving that spot for anyone who hurt his daughters.
@Le Coucher d'Yvette: Agreed! That's more than 1 out of every 10 women.
@SwishSwishSpit: If former addicts couldn't help current addicts, then the AA model wouldn't work at all. I give Nicole more credit than that. I think she's come far enough in her life that she'd be helpful to Lindsay.