@jemandtheholograms: Agreed! Nicole should call Lindsey.
@jemandtheholograms: Agreed! Nicole should call Lindsey.
I didn't know that dog snuggies exist.
Not a good week for CU PR!
This is just iTunes data, though. Not Amazon or Rhapsody or hard-copy purchases. I'd be curious to know who sold the most albums across all platforms.
@dink: "You could be the king or watch the queen conquer!"
@chicksarentfunny: ha!
A friend of mine once gave me the perfect punishment for sex offenders: Crazy glue his dick to a piece of wood, set the end on fire, and give him a knife.
@Deanna Lidiya: Oddly, pepper spray is illegal in NY. Had to buy mine in Jersey.
This is crap. Anybody who is married to somebody important in a crime family wouldn't dare to be in a reality TV show. Not that I know or anything.
Not gonna lie. That was amazeballs. She's so damned sexy.
@drunkexpatwriter: Ha! That's what my grandma said to me this morning. "Marie, I think it's disgusting to give a girl a used engagement ring!"
@Katie Did.: Oh thank you for that laugh! I soooo needed it.
There is something really unsettling about his sense of self-importance.
@Cairn Awaits MizJenkins: I'm with @muchdrama. I'll think Jobs is wrong, and I'll have my Internetz with a side of warts.
Somewhere, Steve Jobs is smugly thinking, "See folks? This is 'sactly why app stores need monitoring."
I wonder if she'd be in the videos had her husband won the election.
Hey, Ang, my dad's a taxidermist. Gimme a call and I'll introduce you. The bird's on me.
Michael inherited his mom's voice.
Not to objectify or anything, but her legs are hawt!
@thefanmyj: See, Mods? People like the idea. Maybe a New Year's