@TallyCola: Jezzie meetups! Why didn't I think of that? Great idea!
@TallyCola: Jezzie meetups! Why didn't I think of that? Great idea!
@GREEN TEA LATTES: THE REAL GTL: If you find one, let me know. Or,
Reading these comments makes me convinced that Jezebel needs its own classifieds section for all the awesome people on this site who are looking for dating/relationships/sex. Yes, yes, I know there is Craigslist and Match and OKCupid. But I want the ease of CL with the wit of Jezzies.
@Aesop's Foibles.: They look like workout pants with the weird seam that goes down the front.
@CassandraSays: As a dyke who's never been w/a man before, I hafta ask: is his dick really soft? Cuz it looks kind of. . . wide. . . and like if it got bigger, it would hurt. Also, couldn't it be hard and just dangling off to the side? Maybe?
@tinyphoto: I thought Lambs were Gwen Stefani's followers? ::so confuddled::
Um, why is the guy holding a flashlight? It's New York City. We have street lights. And car lights. And lights emanating from buildings. Pretty sure she can see 18" in front of her.
Am I the only one who doesn't think these clothes are "cool?" What are you seeing that I'm not?
@feministabroad: Apparently, "it's in a black person's soul to rock that gold".
@obsidian05: Wurd.
@LoveBugBecky: Or sour cream!
"The house of extravaganza"?
@LaComtesse: Zing!
@twopiecebathingsuit: +1!!!!!
@allyspie: For what it's worth, we broke up 2 months ago. They've been the suckiest two months, but I don't regret my decision (most of the time).
@allyspie: Yay! Someone is with me in the minority. My gf and I were together 3.5 years. I felt all the things you feel: like friends, like you'll never be as happy as other couples, like you're not as close.
"requiring laser removal. She plans to cover it with another tattoo"
@thisistobehelpful: Lil Wayne was arrested for possessing a weapon, not firing it. Perhaps he's doing what many rappers do - posturing to enhance the public personae he puts forth? And 50 got shot; that makes him the victim, not the perp. In fact, I believe that the last time 50 was arrested, it was for a traffic…
I think that Marshall Mathers is actually a decent man who loves his daughter and is trying to pick up the pieces of a messy past. I also think he creates characters - Eminem and Slim Shady - that he employs in the same way novelists employ their characters. No one is saying that Stieg Larsson is a violent misogynist…
@midwesternmom: AHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you. I needed that this morning.