@annebreal: I thought that was Mary singing over her own track.
@annebreal: I thought that was Mary singing over her own track.
@hushnowcharlotte: And Rihanna!
@scarysheri: Not sure who sings that part, but the song is Kanye song.
Kudos to MTV! I've only seen two music videos this year and yet I'm still watching this show.
@atraxia: I agree. Usher dances while his music plays. That's about it. (Granted, he does it very, very well.)
@Jared C. Wood: Wurd.
Where are the rest of Ellen's sleeves?
I want the opening act to be Dr. Dre one year. That would be an amazing comeback.
@MischiefMinx got your tongue?: Yeah, but I think it's gotta be cathartic - probably for both of them, but definitely for Rihanna. And it speaks volumes about what happens inside abusive relationships. Yes, the song is disturbing, but so is the reality about which they're singing.
Who's Chelsea Handler?
Eminem singing along with Rihanna was kinda cute.
@eatingatoms: I thought that Kanye wrote a song for her on his new album. It never occurred to me that he wanted her to sing it. That's a whole lotta balls right there.
I want Ellen's stylist. And wife. And paycheck.
@Ayepecks: Whoa! How did you manage to avoid their pictures after MJ died? I feel like the same pics and vids of them were played over and over and over and over and over and. . .
@kentuckienne: Or out of them. ;-)
@Shancan: I'm always amazed when I see this. Her body is damned near perfect. (I know, I know, airbrushing. Still, the woman has a gorgeous body.)
Sick for the past three weeks w/a kidney infection. Docs just found an ovarian cyst. Broke up with my g/f of 3.5 years. Cat diagnosed with lung cancer. Missed a week of work and the first day of classes. Had to cancel vacation to Montreal. Yeah, it's been craptastic.
@Peppermint: Makes me wish going to my own job was considered an awards show.
Why wait to be given a dress? Why not find one you love and buy it?