
Lore-wise, this might actually be justifiable too. I mean, the MIDA is implied to be a weapon summoned from an alternate reality by Golden Age experiments (specifically the Marathon series, where MIDA itself got mentioned).

It’s not that he goes to avoid developing feelings for the girls. The two things are separate. He doesn’t view the girls sexually, but does still have a libido so goes to professionals about it. Who are typically quite complimentary about him afterwards, on the infrequent occasions it’s mentioned.

Now playing

Agreed. The idea of music being a conduit for magic is still something I keep expecting to be more popular than I’ve seen. And Hymmnos has that extra quality of also being a programming language.

And Volition know we want it. Damn them.

I wonder why she’s gone with a pure LED build over using some EL panels/wire. To my knowledge/experience - which is lacking compared to hers of course - EL is lighter, runs less hot and draws less power. As well as being a solid colour block as opposed to a point source. I wonder if it says so in the book.

To focus on one main point out of a good article:

I’ve got some Dark Horse Robotech comics, and they are pretty good actually. Tells the story of Roy and Claudia met, and really didn’t get on. And also what happened to the South Pole Grand Cannon

It is tragic and not entirely her fault... But a lot of it really is. The moment I came to hate her is when she starts whining about Rick not being able to spend time with her whenever she might wish... because he’s on duty protecting the ship and seeing other people doing the same die in the process. And this fact

I especially love the kinda-sequel. The story really added to the actual gameplay, and the fact that everything in the game had its own little vignette was fantastic to me.

I’m known pretty much as “the anti-AoT guy” in Anitay, and I’ve had this argument many many times, heh. I won’t fault anyone for liking it, but I would argue against any claim of quality it might be assigned and the massive levels of overhype it gained when it first came out - because it was supposedly “grim” (for an

I’d think less the setting and more the writing, which was really pretty bad.

Company of Heroes really is good, but arguably I think World in Conflict (from the Ground Control people) is as good, if slightly different in focus. Both have very strong campaigns and both require tactics and strategy to succeed. I remain confused as to why WiC was never continued.

Definitely the mission that convinced me Titanfall 2 is something special. But not the only standout, every level has it’s own flavour without repeating, which makes the game feel so fresh and light. And it means most people will probably have a favourite. A full titan assault, an aerial chase, that later section

Yes, and in fact, EoT has less room for a sequel than All You Need Is Kill does. In EoT, the war is over. The war is over and in fact, no-one knows why, nor are they likely to believe the truth should Cage or Rita try to tell them. Hell, Rita herself might have a hard time believing it, though I think she would

If you add ‘spiritual’ before “sequel” then can we get some damn work done on that Yukikaze film?!!

It does provide a lovely unmarred view of the Coffee Tsundere though.

And Volition know this! They taunt us with it!