
I just hope that whenever SpaceX’s carelessness and the incoming administration’s disregard for safety regulations eventually results in an accident that cost people their lives, Elon is on the rocket.

So...the car companies non-car people love is all of them?

SC, Maverick and Ridgeline owners are that guy your wife tells you not to worry about, but surprise, while you were too busy worrying about how manly your truck makes you, she’s left you, become vegan, and the only meat she now enjoys is his.

Considering one of the most critically acclaimed GL runs in the comics was the one by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams where Hal and Oliver Queen argued about social, political, and philosophical issues while teaming up to tackle crimes related to those issues across America, yeah, this absolutely says Green Lantern.

I guess you could split up the acting categories by genre to keep the number the same (best performer/supporting performer in a drama and comedy/musical), but there should be a rule that you can only be nominated for one performing category in a year to spread it out.

Honestly this was probably the worst SNL I’ve seen since at least Musk hosted.

Nope. The original made $50 million off a $17 million budget and Legacy made $400 million off a $170 million budget.

I mean he also randomly mentioned The Last Jedi, probably because the algorithm/AI bot they’re using for editorial choices demanded that be included for this narrative even though 95% of the world doesn’t care anymore about either movie.

So she has a policy about not working with herself?

Meh, ChatGPT doesn’t understand humor.

I’m all for Max leaving.

Counterpoint: The recently installed bike lanes on Valencia in San Francisco. 

Ah yes, our annual reminder that Professor Sprout is actually a pretty big bitch.

Well it’s a personal opinion, so yes? That’s usually how those work.

Eh, she always seemed a bit unhinged to me and mostly tried to get “New York famous” by being the wife of a famous comedian. I do hope she’s in a healthier place now though that they’re no longer married (it certainly seems that way with Mulaney).

LOL, seriously? Vinnie Jones version was mostly fine, but he was in no way a “beloved character” (nothing from The Last Stand was “beloved”), and although he said that “iconic line” it actually came from a parody video that came out before X3.

All I care about is who will play young Ducky and how hot will he be.

I hope Sainz absolutely demolishes Leclerc and Hamilton this year.

Absolutely, especially if you have what is probably a pretty sizable executive contract like Horner’s.

There’s a bit of a difference between dancing with someone and full blown adultery.