“The best Final Fantasy is the one that makes you fall in love with the series" may be one of the truest statements typed.
#1 could have stopped after 4 words
This game was phenomenal. I played it when it released on 360 for hundreds of hours. The story breaks (where you read the stories about their forgotten pasts) really catch you in the feels sometimes. This game is worth FAR more than $8.24 and is a steal at that price.
does it let you escape the game’s gross button mashing action gameplay and replace it with something that would make it worth playing?
“it’s almost impossible for either new or lapsed players to jump back in without getting completely lost.”
I made two attempt to get into Destiny since 2020: I have never met a game that was more actively hostile to new players and the new player experience. I don’t mean the playerbase, I mean the game. There are…
The game is narratively impenetrable for anyone who doesn’t play regularly. Last time i tried to get into it was Beyond Light (holy shit it’s been 3 years?) and i did a bunch of external research to get caught up on the story (watching hours of lore videos) and was enjoying myself until i hit the inevitable “now grind…
Absolute truth. I’m lucky enough (or unlucky enough?) to have a small group of friends who I’ve played Destiny with since the series launched. There was a natural ebb and flow to our involvement over the years as content came and went, but if we had more important things to tend to, jumping back in was made far easier…
It should have been an offshoot like Stranger of Paradise was. Making it a mainline numbered game carries certain expectations of gameplay, and making a genre change should have carried an expected loss of sales, especially with the uproar FF7R caused.
“Let’s put all our eggs in one basket!” -Square Enix
The various previews have solidified the fact that the footage up to this point has really left me cold as a lifelong FF fan. I’m not terribly bummed (FF7 Remake is one of my favorite games of all time, so more of that soon really helps the FOMO), but it is strange to be on the outside of the hype cycle looking in for…
This is just step one of his plan to have a movie where Maui fights Captain America, isn’t it.
Imagine streaming on twitch because there’s less harassment.
Except Holland is not a country. It is a region of 2 provinces of the 12 total provinces of the Netherlands (the country).
Thank you! I’m really sick of blog posts that don’t link the thing they’re reporting on. Worse when the article is littered with links that just lead back to the blog itself.
And they’re wrong. So fuck em.
Sounds like you need to expand your horizons and play some different games. There are plenty of great games out there with wildly different kinds of stories. Many of which have just appeared in the last decade or so.