
Kingdom Come’s logo was red and black, not red and yellow. The font might be similar but this is it’s own unique thing.

No, but they probably at least need to have watched a game or two of the sport that they are actually being paid to write about.

You’re absolutely right about everything in this article, except for all the typos where you say “VIII” instead of “VI”

I still plan on watching this Day 1 because I love when Sandler actually tries to act.

Could it be a television show too? She’s been on several well regarded miniseries in the UK.

“Ohhh Checo! Come here.”

The only issues with his plan are:

No, that’s not how that works. Two things:

Yeah I’m pretty familiar with the two Lexus dealerships in DFW (Sewell and Park Place) and this doesn’t sound like something neither would do. This likely a super shady reseller or a scam.

We all knew this was going to be disaster the second they cast Kevin Hart as Roland. Let’s just try to sit back and enjoy the train wreck.

No, she didn’t, but in this one she’s being played by Florence Pugh.


Did you just call Grogu a monster because he’s a non-human species? I assume that means you think Yoda is a monster too?

I know that executives are usually untouchable, but the fact that Lars Wingefors still has his job after the last few years is pretty mind-boggling.,

Yep, the second they said “Anya Taylor-Joy” and “Dune” in the same sentence we all know she’s going to play Alia.

Now playing

Let’s be honest, this video shows why most of us loved the show so much

I assume that we eventually will get Starfield and Indiana Jones on PS5, it’ll just be a 1-2 year delay (like what Sony does with PC).

it’s Diablo 4 which crashed and burned

It’s really funny that they’re trying to “avoid spoilers” for a movie that is based on a 60-year-old book that has been adapted multiple times.

He can ruin this meatback any day.