The ever-present football-player rapist

Since when did you start this slideshow shit??? WTF is this? Buzzfeed? I had to scroll through all f’ing 35 of the gdamn slides to register this complaint. I know things have gone down hill over the years, but really? There are so few websites that I actually enjoy anymore, I’m barely hanging on to the this one. I get

Glad I’m not the only one who was bothered by that

IR is not the symbol for Iron... 

In college once we tossed cooked pasta with a pack of fake lobster meat and flour and water. Idk wtf I was thinking I don’t even think I cooked the flour. Maybe like a partial roux in mind, missing all the critical elements of heat and fat? It scared me off improvisation in the kitchen for like a decade. I’m much

Peep the intersection on Street View. Case St & Whitney Ave.

Are you actually allowed to park that close to a stop sign?

I thought they killed themselves because prison sucks.

I mean, it’s true. “Gamer cred” is a pretty juvenile way to interact with the hobby, and really just points to the insecurity of the claimant more than anything.

I got a flue shot, so at the very least I’m protected from too much gas buildup.

You’re a garbage person only interested in revenge and not justice.

Yeah, it has some flaws. It’s still interesting. When I looked at a potential target near me, it had the fallout all moving in the opposite direction on the prevailing winds. So, a site that’s around a mountain and upwind 300 days a year had higher casualties than the area downwind and down slope. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From the precious little information I can find, Invented Captain N is a stretch. Supposedly Randy Studdard had a two part “Captain Nintendo” story published while working for Nintendo power. After it ran, his editor told them they wouldn’t do any more. Having been so sure of the character that he created a full

Labeled under: Doesn’t Get It

How am I a troll? I didn’t say anything disrespectful about the tragedy that took place. The term, “full stop,” makes it more sincere? Get out of here with that nonsense.

Some people don’t think its funny, or a tragedy. It’s a weak person or a mentally ill person that couldn’t handle life and made a choice to end it. And you sure as fuck don’t define the world for the rest of us, so shove your hallmark card comment right the fuck up your own ass. If I want to make a joke like “Reports

And the best way to express a sincere viewpoint is to repeat a phrase you’ve seen a bunch on social media.

Stop saying, “full stop,” Adam Savage. A period ends a sentence. We get it.

Do Roy Rogers exist outside of NY State Thruway rest stops?

In continuing pedantry, I just noticed that the author used the correct word (dousing) in the first paragraph.

“...searching for a Class ABC extinguisher will yield one appropriate for dowsing your new Pixel 2.”