The ever-present football-player rapist

I’ve actually been that guy- I stopped to help ducklings that couldn’t make it over the curb to follow their mom. Those little fuckers do not want to be caught. I stopped my car behind them and used it as my traffic blocker.

That said, I’m of the opinion that there’s no such thing as an accident in a car- there’s

Blowing up a pipeline increases the costs of operating oil pipelines — you now have to invest in securing them against terrorism — which raises the cost of producing oil, which raises the cost of oil, which forces people to find alternatives. It’s what functioning governments would do with taxes to encourage

Frankly, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of losing all of their hair by age 36.

Man. I don’t have FOMO AT ALL sticking to CS5.

Moss has said that her marriage with Armisen was “horrible” and that he was “not a normal person”, but no specifics. Maybe he just didn’t accept L. Ron Hubbard as his personal lord and savior. Maybe Moss should try her luck with Tom Cruise. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right girl yet.

It’s … “okay,” —> It’s… “okay,” (also this is not something a critic should type, ever)

Now playing

Unhelpfulness pays the same and requires less effort.

Yeah, people who glom onto conspiracy bullshit are generally just waiting for hard science to pierce the veil.

Maybe there should be more role models of young people who smoke pot and didn't become parents who clearly resent their kids?

I’m going to go ahead and guess that you don’t share the same feelings about alcohol/caffeine/sugar etc?  

I don’t understand why people recline. It does nothing and makes the person behind you miserable.

JUST DON’T RECLINE in the first place.

I don’t understand why people recline. It does nothing and makes the person behind you miserable. 

Don’t fall into the “right to exist” trap, which is a nonsensical question (hence why we don’t ask it when the issue is, say, brutal, crippling sanctions on Iran or North Korea). Of course, every person living in Israel and under Israeli control has a right not to be subject to genocide or forced mass exile.  But

No country has “a right to exist,” not a single one... not ever in the history of the world. Zionists want Israel to be granted something no other country has ever had.

cuts his own hair using a Flowbee, a contraption I’m just now learning of that the manufacturer describes as a “vacuum haircut system.”

The controversial neck gaiter is not allowed to function as a mask, nor are open-chin bandannas and masks with vents or exhalation valves, but guests can apparently pull down their masks or take them off altogether in service of eating and drinking their concessions.

The whole “wear a mask, except when you’re eating” thing, just doesn’t make sense me with this or restaurants. 

For fucks sake, this. Yesterday: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. GOOD! Today: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. BAD.

Yeah if wearing a mask feels suffocating and trapping how do they think being on a ventilator would feel?