The ever-present football-player rapist

That’s unlikely to happen. But there is a lot of evidence that drug users being able to report a dealer or someone they were getting high with for sexually assaulting them without getting in trouble for getting high would go a long way towards helping reporting rates.

SAME. And the worst part is, Mr. Social LOVES it, ugh.

The Good Place is certainly among the best, but my vote for comedy of the decade goes to Happy Endings.

Happy Endings

To paraphrase Picard: “There are six whites!”

That second-from-the-right Guy has this amazing “what in the hell did I just eat?” look on his face, which is the look I usually have when I go there too.

I just heard something about this on VPR this afternoon. You can gift it to someone as long as it is the legal 1 ounce or less amount.

I didn’t like it, either. I went into it really wanting to like it, but I thought it lacked subtlety. Like, it thought it was doing something really clever with the whole class system on a train, but it was sort of obvious and hamfisted. A lot of the CGI shots of the exterior of the train were cheesy, and the supposed

That’s how it works in DC. You order cookies or something like that and pay weed prices for the cookies. When the cookies are delivered, they ask you if you would like a gift in addition. And the gift is weed!!

Find out if you have a weed problem with this one easy trick:

Thank you for the reminder of why I will never go to Disney for a vacation.

So as a country we’ve decided banning/restricting guns in any way is out of the question, but now we’re just going to accept daily room searches like we’re all children at a particularly punitive boarding school? Guests are paying out the nose to stay at Disney resorts, and they’re still going to have to submit to

Sometimes, it is.

In the comments on the Vimeo, the Sleep Good guy says he took the isolated drums and vocals from the original...pitch shifted the vocals to the new melody...and then the rest of the music is newly recorded.

lot lot lot lot lot

It does. Very impressive if it’s indeed another singer.

I thought so too.

Is it just a coincidence that in both these incidences the subjects happen to be morbidly obese? Or does that have some relationship to developing these types of cysts?

You asked “what happens” as though there was some mystery. I’m just pointing out that it’s abundantly clear what happens, because it has already happened for most of human history.

I think “pre-pro” must be one of those marketing buzzwords that savvy coaches use to get parents to shell out a lot of money for their programs.