The ever-present football-player rapist

I don’t think we’re in disagreement here. Obviously, the problem is because officers believe that anyone might have a gun, it implies they can shoot indiscriminately as long as the vague goal is to hit someone who might have the intention of doing something illegal. This is not the way to conduct law enforcement or

This is super-cool! That said...

No it doesn’ basically every measure conceivable Miller’s Crossing is not even in the same conversation as Usual Suspects...U.S has eight times more IMDB ratings...did 7 times the box office...and on and on...I know we live in Trumpland now where common sense and facts no longer seem to matter...but, no, under

The article does make me wonder just how she stumbled upon videos of herself. Did a friend find it? If that’s the case, that has got to be an awkward conversation. “Yeah, so, I was looking at porn and I saw this video and I’m pretty sure it was you.” Or, the alternative: she herself was looking at porn and stumbled

It’s an in-TV nickname given to a character Liu Yifei played in Semi-Gods and Demi-Devils. In it, she plays the character Wang Yuyan.

“Sister” is a term of respect in China. Kinda like “Chan” or “San” in Japanese. So they’re saying she’s a younger woman who looks like/has the atmosphere of a fairy.

I don’t recommend trying to understand this part of it. There’s a woman in China who rose to fame because someone took a photo of her holding a cup of milk tea, and the country collectively lost its shit over that, and she is known as “Milk Tea Sister” even to this day, after she married a gajillionaire and runs a

Hammer and sickle is the communist logo that originated in Russia, the arm and hammer is the socialist labor party in America, the hammer being the constant representing socialism and laborers which was a big part of each movement.

I read it more that somewhere deep inside my neck resides a deep opposition to Allah and he was going to surgically remove it but you tomato, to-dumbass edgelords being corrupted by unchecked internet. To each their own.

Now playing

I decided because sharing is caring and a laugh is good these days I will share this. It makes me laugh so hard and gets funnier each time you replay. Somehow it’s magical.

What about thumbs? They’re naturally opposable.

Pedantic Man sex: “Not a Jeep

I wish someone had told that to my mom before she picked up SOMEONE ELSE’S old jack-o-lantern from the side of the road one year, took it home, roasted it, served it for supper, and then told us all (when we had already eaten half of it) where it came from.

Okay I realize my comment was way too short. I agree with you. Unless you’re consuming charcoal WITH alcohol all the bad stuff is in your blood and the charcoal won’t do you any good (and some harm). I just meant that they probably think/peddle the idea that it’s absorbing toxins or some shit.

Not quickly anyway.

I assume it’s like Chi-Town, which is pronounced shy.

The ‘hoi’ in ‘hoi polloi’ is the Greek definite article equivalent to ‘the.’ So saying, “the hoi polloi” is as redundant as saying “atm machine.”

I thought that said cookie warrant. I need new glasses.

Starred for pharmaceutical-related pedantry. I think a lot of media outlets use “narcotics” as a catch-all for any substance with abuse potential because it’s a word people automatically associate with illicit substances.