The ever-present football-player rapist

“Flout” was right this time though! I was pretty psyched about that.

Clearly not an engineer.

Still, I think you mean “machinery” or “powered parts” not moveable parts.

That isn’t how machines work. According to your definition, a bicycle would have no moving parts because your feet supply the force.

I’m sure it’s all coated in chocolate or breading and deep fried.

Uh... she didn’t deflate his kayak. The kayak was not the inflatable type:

In all seriousness, my first thought (speaking as a parent) was to sprinkle crushed cracker crumbs in places she walks. Shoes would go on right quick.

Not necessarily (ie, “Jules” for Julia/Julie, Jimmy or Sammy for James or Samuel, Anya for Anna, or a few Slavic-based names where there’s an “-ushka” added to the end so that it might well end up being longer). I’d say it’s a way of being closer or more friendly (or more friendly-seeming, in the case of show hosts

Not in the M.E. Context is different. Nicknames aren’t necessarily to shorten a name, but are more like pet names or highlight an attribute of a person. It varies from country to country - like Egypt and Lebanon really like cutesy pet names (Dody, Lulu, Foofoo...) - in Syria your nickname is what you think you’ll name

Why is Jack a nickname for John?

Dody is a nickname for Doaa.

I’m not saying this data doesn’t exist, but I’m really curious about the link between child sex offenders and human trafficking/sex tourism. I think of the latter as a much more sophisticated crime, and I’m wondering if many sex offenders engage in trafficking/sex tourism. And I would disagree with other commenters up

At the places I’ve worked, virtually everything we published was based on our own original reporting, so it was rare to publish off someone else’s work. In those few cases we always indicated in the headline that it was based off a report from elsewhere. For the GMG sites, where it’s the reverse, clearly they’re more

Or the brakes. Brakes are good to pump. (How much do y’all pay for a proofreader?)

I like mayors.

Nah, it was just one ticket but they are counting the concessions in with it. The guy seeing the movie went with the large drink and popcorn.

One can get a free upgrade to their originally booked room, which could range from getting a room with more footage/mini-fridge/Strip view or even a full on switch some premium level digs.

I imagine quite a few pearl necklaces at a Connecticut Beach Party

Or two 3D tickets and enough subsequent beer to justify the memory loss.