“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”
“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”
The only documentation that 10 year old me had was my social security card and birth certificate, both of which were safely stored at home. There has to be more to this story than reported here.
That’s a pretty specific amount of condoms. 35 would be too few, 37 is way too many.
I’ve always thought Ivanka’s use of words was compelling interest sincerely.
Neelix AND Odo?!
“First of all, it’s only a tell-all in that I go through and recant some of the beautiful nuances of our lives, our family home.”
Someone recently told me, “When we apologize for things, we are very often seeking our own redemption, and thus placing a burden on the other person to forgive us.” I can understand that. But when and for what can a person apologize?
Want to slow down piracy (youll never stop it) is to price your games reasonably, release actual finished games, dont add in microtransactions. Basically dont fuck your paying customers. We pirates (yup me too) fuck you because you fuck us. Why is 1/2 my gaming collection paid and why is 1/2 pirated. WHen you start…
Thank you thank you thank you
Is this the mountain you want to slide down and die on in Texas?
My favorite part is the last paragraph, where Don tried to pay with his Amex and got refused (because KMart did not take Amex) and had to cough up cash.
Charlotte Gainsbourg has a high tolerance for disgusting auteur types, in case you forgot who her father was.
It’d be more like outlawing department stores from selling new clothing while still allowing small boutiques to sell the ones they make.
A much more reasonable and helpful suggestion would be to ban imported clothing, and only allow american made to be sold in america, but I know a reasonable and helpful suggestion is not what you were going for...
And I agree with that sentiment. I think it’s a lot more complicated, because if you outlaw clothing (which, clothing is a necessity) from sweatshops, suddenly clothing becomes a lot more expensive. That is the ethical thing, but the ethics and the economics run in completely opposite directions. Here, we can use the…
He/she mean ConEd the power company.
The fucking thing sucks !