The ever-present football-player rapist

It sure says something about how this show is run that this fact didn’t occur to them. At. All. rotfl

“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so

I guess someone’s brain merged ‘pen and paper’ with ‘pad of paper’.

No way, man. The opening to Quantum Leap is the best. The “striving to put right what once went wrong” narration is one of my favorite parts of the show.

so have the militant Burmese Buddhists. An oxymoron if there ever was one.

The ACTUAL problem here is the concept of locking a phone to a certain carrier, requiring you to pay them for the privilege to leave if you want to bring your current phone with you. You are correct that it was never about the physical SIM card to begin with.

I bet you’re one of those fuckheads that get upset when people say “Legos”.

Or on your key ring

True. The vast majority of people only ever do this once per new device. It can replace physical SIM cards when the software has 100% carrier compatibility.

In their TV commercial for the phone the screen turns black and white while the person fumbles with their phone using abnormally large gestures. They shake their head and look sideways at the camera.

They are now 2.99 FOR ONE in my area.

In all honesty, grown adults should lose total interest in sports, unless they gamble.

Ah, so not exactly “crammed into Mario 64" so much as it is “added onto a PC version of Mario 64"

But does it work on actual N64 hardware (via everdrive 64 for example)?

Because that’s a thing people do these days. They put apostrophes in places where they don’t belong, an it drives me nuts

I was hoping for some advice on how to successfully live a double life from either the letter or the answer.

Other than the fact that these product are acids and that you apply them directly to your face, not really, no.

Direct acids is just the term The Ordinary uses to refer to its AHA and BHA products. I don’t think I’ve seen AHA and BHA treatments called that anywhere else.

“ Piece of Shit Scumbag” is the preferred pronunciation.