The ever-present football-player rapist


I’m surprised because I would much rather eat a raw scallop than one even slightly overcooked.

The Mickey Mouse Club, Boy Meets World, and other pre-HD TV offerings on Disney+ are presented in their original aspect ratios

The most expensive mistake you can make is buying new.

I really don’t feel that addicts are in any place to criticize other people’s obsessions.

Why did you capitalize “judge?”

That headline image has some poor framing.

Well... what do you mean by “mobile games?” Mobile consoles, sure. Smartphones, helllllls naw.

Why is it so hard for people to redact images?

Arcade cabinets require CRT displays.

Touchscreen games are the goddamned worst.

I would rather live every day with the flu than be the kind of person who regularly washes their hands. Eww.

Resolving to improve your niksen is utterly missing the point.

I see what’s going on here.

orgasm achieved through massage alone.

USB 3.0 to USB-C cables

USB 3.0 to USB-C cables

Man, I miss Beakman’s World.

You know Jezebel is coasting along on a good day when it feels confident enough to embrace the simple joys of body shaming.

Secret Nazi woodwork.

why would you play video poker when you can just play regular-ass poker?