The ever-present football-player rapist

Man, I miss Beakman’s World.

You know Jezebel is coasting along on a good day when it feels confident enough to embrace the simple joys of body shaming.

Secret Nazi woodwork.

why would you play video poker when you can just play regular-ass poker?

What’s with the tech ageism?

Eh. That would be bad for fallout, but it’s not like a nuclear blast would magically trigger a nucelar power plant to detonate its fuel reserves. It would just spread that shit around.

In 2017, Amy Schumer did a film called Snatched. That film made $45 million domestically. In 2016, I did a film called Almost Christmas. That film made $42 million domestically.

Go easy on yourself, buddy.

Emily may not have been subjected (as far as we know) to any kind of psychological torture

This seems destined to backfire.

Nintendo Power cost $3.50 in 1991 money

I miss when blogging was “add a photo to a page of text” rather than “add a page of text to a photo.”

... what?

It teaches vulnerable young men and women to submit to authority and not think for themselves. It’s absolutely the worst thing a disenfranchised young person can do for themselves.

I’m calling “bullshit.”

Why doesn’t it matter? That’s a very interesting departure from the root word.

Why would you ever park a nice thing in a place you don’t 100% control?

Mosaic was originally released as an app

Who cares what veterans think?

The street is a public right. Treating part of it as “reserved” for local businesses is stealing from the public.