The ever-present football-player rapist

Is there anything wrong with Stephen Dorff?

I’m not arguing that it doesn’t make them feel good.

with fine mesh over it to catch rain water

I can’t help but feel a little icky about embracing the idea that going around with a natural face is bad for self-esteem.

clearly alluding to the fact that Italians supposedly smell bad

Awesome. My SD2SNES continues to be my favorite purchase of 2017.

Boy, you got to handle your notifications. Check that shit.

This is a 2017 thing. Look at the dates on the embedded social posts.

Rebel within?

Chris Pratt is unrecognizable there.

Mashable reposted a video about the flaky food monster, featuring a couple eating the crossushi in bed.

Croissushi. With an(other) i. Only way that makes any sense.

“I can confirm there’s been two cases presented.”

I recently watched a video by someone who sure sounded a lot like a native English speaker (proper UK accent) but after a few minutes I noticed the oddest quirk: nearly every time he should have said “which,” he used “in which,” instead.

I can’t get past “5:00 o’clock.”

No need to be an a-hole about it. Just reminding you that we don’t need to go making up new words to make us feel special when perfectly precise ones already exist.

Oh, very funny. Texas doesn’t have any colleges.

She’s a pre-pro ballerina

by taking it into from

Her dress looks awful, too. But I know: that face.