Robert Elessar

Most movies rely on characters to make dumb decisions to advance the plot.

No it did not. It was great. You are wrong.

He’s not called ‘The World’s Greatest Detective’ for nothing you know.

This is a Zack Snyder movie, I bet even Alfred breaks someone’s neck.

nah, snapping necks is just what they do now. Supes did it. Batman will do it. this new DC Cinematic Universe is all basically Steven Segal inspired.

That myth about Ledger just doesn’t hold water. Everyone claims it was the case, but what actually happened was not at all similar.

I’d have some interest in this if it were a sequel and not a reboot.

Easy, All-Star Superman is my favorite Superman story of all time for this one page alone. Brings me to tears every goddamn time. It encapsulates probably the best of Superman in one page, he is supposed to inspire us to greater thins and care about people.

Pirlo does not get boned. Pirlo does the boning.

Now that looks like the Kyle Reese I know.

Gotham city is not based on modern LA or Chicago, the criminals are usually all white,not poor and with genious level intellect and fortunes of their own. Too bad that recent comics and games feature Batman fighting street “gangstas” and drug dealers for the sake of realism but that is not how Gotham should be, Gotham

Batman is definitely not right-wing. He is always portrayed as hating firearms and is constantly funding charities that directly benefit the poor, as well taking an active hand in the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. Hell— in The Dark Knight Returns, arguably the most brutal, “right wing” depiction of Batman— one

If in fact the sequel does take on the inefficiency of Batman’s campaign to reduce human suffering, I will allow the framing of MOS as deconstructionist prelude. Otherwise, if asses are hats, Zack Snyder is wearing one.

yes it is. It’s fucking Superman. He doesn’t kill people. It’s the whitest knight of all superheroes. That movie was complete shit

Not really surprised at his statement. He never understood Superman or comics for that matter.

I was surprised because that’s the thesis of Superman for me, that you can’t just have superheroes knock around and have there be no consequences.

Studies are irrelevant because I have an anecdote!

We get Deadpool on the Avengers. That is all that matters.

Because studios don’t have infinite money, and every time they greenlight a remake, it takes resources away and reduces the possibility of someone being able to make a film with actual new ideas.

yea, but, Kurt Russell was in Big Trouble in Little China.