Robert Elessar

People are stupid and people are greedy.


At least it’s reaffirming the notion that comics too can have more than biff and bam like that moron who tried to ban comics at college thought.

branding and synergy.

Ahh Man of Steel. The one superhero movie where it would have been better if he just stayed home.

The prequels were entertaining? Phantom Menace and AOTC were so damn boring.


Seen it 3 times in rereleases the past few years. Seen them on TV hundreds of times. Cinema experience is something else.

Deleted scene had them going away in handcuffs. And who says people didn’t have a problem then? In the context of the movie it was stupid and Snyder’s moment was also stupid.

Steven Seagal is METRON

That’s a myth. It wasn’t that bad at all because everyone kept bringing up how great he was in Brokeback Mountain and they gave Nolan the benefit of the doubt. When the first viral pic came out all that doubt was pretty much gone. Leto on the other hand has been getting worse with each new tidbit we get.

Didn’t help Superman Returns that it was sandwiched between the season 5 finale of Smallville and Season 6 premiere which combined had more action than the $200 million movie.

Donner and Singer didn’t think people would accept comic book movies as comic books. Avengers really changed all that.


Fans of Star Trek can’t make exciting movies?

Ma Kent was hotter than Lois Lane.

Judging by The Wrestler looks like Aunt May might be dancing on some poles for that extra cash.

It is growing and this world cup seems like the point where you see things change a lot. Probably first women’s world cup I’ve seen taken seriously by everybody especially journalists and football commentators and this was despite being on at the same time as the Copa America.

To be honest I’d rather trust a professional with some character.

FULTON REED! show some respect.