The Durckk

And that’s when Abe Lincoln said, “Don’t diss my homies!”

The real wormhole was inside of us all along! Or, possibly, I have a tapeworm.

Please tell me there isn’t a director’s cut of the past four years.

I don’t follow the popular musics of today , and don’t know her ..but looking at the top picture ,she looks like late 90s Alanis Morissette cosplaying as early 2000s Michael Jackson..

Speaking of evolution of announcing tics, does anyone have a timeline on the use of ‘bell cow’ every time a RB carries more than 5x a game?

“I think the team that takes the ball down the field and scores more points is the team that’s gonna win it, Rod!”

I mean, it’s one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $120,000?

As someone to whom Spoon Theory might conceivably apply, I find it to be annoyingly cliquey and almost entirely opaque as a system and, in opposition to its purpose, doesn’t help conventionally able people to understand.
“How many spoons do you start with” - it varies. I don’t know until I’ve run out.
“How many spoons

Bethesda is near Baltimore like Newark, DE is near Baltimore.

I like how 1-800-AAA-HELP looks a phone number turned into panicked scream.

As Dom said yesterday, they’re focused on the wrong thing. Sam was mic’d up, he knew he was mic’d up, he said something human and notable, and it was approved for use in the broadcast.

Or a shed?

5am? My Lord that’s early. I can just picture Snyder there in his office, across from a barely awake Gruden, stirring his coffee with a sleeve of gatorade cups.

That’s weird. Some weeks ago, I thought I saw a naked Kyle Long standing behind my grandmother in the background of a Facetime call. I asked her what he was doing there, but she said she was alone. She died later that night.

I’m Mr. Sorry I Couldn’t Help Overhear and also Mr. Extrapolating Single Game Stats Over a Season Is Not Smart. Any comment I had is answered by my name.

I’m old enough and live in enough of a craft beer desert to have had my beer preferences shaped by an extremely limited set of choices. In a thin, watery, light-yellow sea of mass produced sadness, Newcastle Brown Ale won me over. It’s still my cold-weather supermarket fallback if there’s not an Oktoberfest or an

Brown Ale is one of my all time favourite styles. More malt notes than red/ambers but stops before the burnt/chocolate/coffee flavours of stouts and porters. The reason we don’t see more of them is hinted at in this article- it’s in the name. I’ve confirmed that with many brewers here in Ireland. My suggestion was to

Mashed potatoes and corn belong together anyway.  Always mix them; no matter how ‘classy’ the eatery.

Looks good on you though . . . 

*tips hat*
*mansplains something*