The Durckk

I fully agree with this. We taught our (now 5 year old) twins “please,” “more,” and “thank you,” among others when they were babies. It helps before they’re able to verbalize, as you said, but it also starts the habit of being polite early.

I debated which spelling to use.  Ultimately, I chose incorrectly.

John missed Aikman’s most overused and irritating verbal tic - “Heck of a ____ (usually player or job).

Don’t get me started on Berman. His nickname for the Ravens’ stadium is “the big crab cake.” It’s one of those things that you think is clever at first, then you think about it for a second and realize it makes no sense at all. That sentence applies to everything Berman says, as well as the man himself.

While watching the game, I thought Al Michaels got his geography mixed up in his reference. Bethesda is in Maryland, but is much closer to Washington DC than Baltimore.  Upon further thought, I realize it was just another way to fellate Tom Brady.  Baker Mayfield can only throw it to a suburb of the city he’s

The day off on election day in my area is typically because the schools double as voting locations.  Can’t vote in the cafeteria if kids are in there eating.

It could be worse - I saw Badgely was questionable, and quickly dropped him for Matt Bryant, who scored 0 points.

Great advice, but might have been more useful a week or so ago.

Oh, now I see.  This article was misfiled under Great Job, Internet.  It should have been Great Job, Affiliates and Offshoots.

He’s made it very clear that his anaconda don’t want none, unless it’s got buns, hon.  He didn’t specify about how the rest of him felt.

But in baseball, pitchers are preferable to belly-itchers. And catchers preferable to belly-scratchers. No word on shortstops.

On the AV Club homepage, this article is (correction: was.  Hope someone got fired for that blunder) right after the Takeout’s article on the same thing (posted a few hours ago). Takeout’s article believes the conceit, but someone in the comments posted that it wasn’t a bot. Then this cynical take was posted a few

Remember when the Prelude came out, and the next album was supposed to be just a few months later? That was 2 and a half years ago. Now, it’s actually coming out and it’s only 7 songs?! How is the prelude longer than the main course?!  How is this considered a full-length release?

Watch it with the commentary.  They explain the reference, including that the line referring to “the two goofs” was a direct quote.

Word is it was released a week ago, and they reviewed it in last week’s roundup.

You said it, crime stick, those two were a couple of ding-a-lings.

Belly returns with an ambitious 12-track release after 23 years away, with all four original members intact after the band’s two-album ’90s heyday.


Apparently, the apparent need for an editor made this sentence’s appalling appearance apparent.