Howard the Duck


And in 2016, Gearbox put out Battleborn, its stab at the hero shooter genre that flopped hard.


Hot damn, that new Siren is jacked.


Yes, this. I just want to see him bust into the soul stone realm where everyone is. Walk out of the ship “Hey guys I’m about to jump on this ship and get out of this dudes weird dream world anybody want to come?”

Where are Korg and Miek?

On a more fundamental level, it also needs to be not-for-profit, as healthy people not needing services should be the goal, not selling more and more services.

One of my regular rants as a nurse, both in real life and on here, Shareholders and stock prices need to be pushed out of healthcare as much as possible. A post I made yesterday listed just a few entities(and a “non-profit” that needed over a billion) netting hundreds of millions to billions of dollars, all of it

It would have been 20 years ago. *sigh* UBI is sort of a stopgap assuming that jobs can be created that are outside of Automation. The problem is that we need to educate people for the jobs that are still going to exist in 5-10 years so that they don’t just fall off the employment rolls. That means we need to

I’m certain this has been said a million times, but Trump is so easily manipulated, I’d love if the Democrats could work together long enough to throw a universal healthcare package together and name it “The Trump is Amazing and Glorious (No Collusion) Super Duper Great Healthcare Plan” and dare the Republicans to

The problem the Republicans are having is they want absolute control over everyone, to be in charge of life and death, while their leader, Trump, just wants to feed his massive ego. Every major issue he’s “worked” on is something that ends or will end with praise. Now he wants healthcare for all, which will get him

That story is one of my favorite from all comics.

Hey, hey, hey...let’s not get crazy (my name said.)

If we’re not arguing for a complete change to the system and taking immediate, substantive actions on the many terrible things we face as a nation, we’re not doing our jobs as Americans.

A counter to birth control” meme: why should any insurance plan cover boner pills?

I swear to god, the GOP runs this country like it’s an episode of Fawlty Towers. “It would be a wonderful hotel if it weren’t for all the customers.”  

A subset of that argument is “Why should I have to pay for your birth control?” Because, you know, it costs more money to prevent a pregnancy (you slut) than the medical bills incurred to raise a child to adulthood.

“(This is a party whose elected officials, after all, barely understand the concept of health insurance as it exists today.)“

This can’t be said enough, and it’s true of their dumbass supporters on the internet as well. Every single time you hear/see someone say “why should I have to pay for other people’s healthcare

Now playing

Surprised you didn’t include this new gameplay trailer