Howard the Duck

First and foremost, I’m glad you’re still with us, Mike. While I appreciate all of the contributors here at Kotaku, yours is the voice that still makes this place feel like the site that first grabbed me back when Crecente was still editing.

You’d be sorely, sorely missed if ever that voice fell silent.

Second, thank

Animals have a funny way of commanding attention no matter what you try to do. (lame excuse for a silly story established, locked, and loaded!)

My grandfather just went through a surgery where they gave him a nasty sedative, and for too long. He remembers seeing a boy looking through the window of his hospital room, staring at him. Sometimes kids outside playing soccer. But he’s on the 3rd floor. He saw a giant spider on the wall and asked my dad about it. My

Fascinating stuff, Fahey. Thanks for sharing (and of course, I’m glad you’re back with us and doing better). Dreams are so neat—both in good and bad ways—because how it’s like your brain is just doing all sorts of randomness to pass the time. I can imagine it’s a lot more active when you’re sedated and it has to

Also, what happened to the two alleged co-conspirators, the African trainer dudes?

Thank you for sharing this. I’m glad you’ve recovered. Incidentally, I’ve also been dealing with pharmaceutically-enhanced dreams lately, as I was diagnosed with insomnia that is at this point several decades deep. When the dreams hit, jesus christ. One of more memorable “episodes” involved being trapped with the

Yes. Yes, we do. This whole tangled story is beyond fucked-up.

If the DA dropped the case without the PD knowing there is some shady shit going on. But how is Geragos involved? He only came on board after Jussie got indicted right. This whole thing is shady as shit. I hope Jussie’s statement has some actual info.

Wow, what a really great and eloquent description. Fantastic writing.

I worked in a facility for individuals with traumatic brain injury for a number of years, with probably hundreds of people in various states of disorders of consciousness. I had someone in a vegetative coma state come out of the coma over a period

Brains are weird. I had a few years where every few nights, I’d wake up with this idea that it was VERY IMPORTANT I remember the rules to this board game because we never used the right rules, and I had to tell my husband. By the time I was fully awake, I knew there was something important but could never remember

Man... we need some answers. What the fuck is happening!?

Excellent piece Mike. I’ve really never read anything quite like it. I feel like most writing about NDEs and dreams is always bogged down in pseudoscience and/or religious interpretations, it’s fascinating to see it presented so straightforwardly and earnestly. Thank you for sharing this and best wishes on your

Glad you made it back to us Mike. 

Salutes to you, Mike. Braved a challenging event in your life and came out to tell many tales.

The way the leg just folded up on itself makes me worry about blood vessel damage, like Alex Smith is dealing with.

This is absolutely stomach-turning. Any time someone tells me “rape culture” doesn’t exist (and yes, I know, “well, actually” brigade, she wasn’t raped in this instance), I point to shit like this; a woman can be assaulted—in the US, Japan, or anywhere else—and the onus inevitably comes back to her, even if her


Lets see. A full grown tiger eats about 2409 pounds a year according to wiki. 4 pack of Starkist tuna is $5.19 for 1.25 pounds. It would cost about $10,000 a year for Tuna if my math is right.

They're "a part-serious, part-satirical journal" so the name is on purpose, I guess.

This doesn't include costs of keeping a full grown tiger fed tuna every day. Big oversight.